Tutorials »

Visual Studio Tutorials

A set of chapters with screenshots helps you understand and master Visual Studio .NET.

Chapter 1 : Visual Studio .NET versions
This article explains various versions of Visual Studio and how to choose and install the right one for you.
Chapter 2 : Download Visual Studio .NET 2005
This article talks about where to download Visual Studio .NET 2005.
Chapter 3 : Download Visual Studio Express Editions
This chapters talks about the free editions of Visual Studio .NET
Chapter 4 : Difference between .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET
Lot of beginner programmers are confused about the terms Visual Studio and .NET Framework. This chapter clairifies the difference between them.
Chapter 5 : Compatibility of .NET and VS.NET versions
This article explains compatibility issues between various versions of .NET Framwork and VS.NET
Chapter 6 : Introduction to Projects and Solutions
Learn what is project and solution in Visual Studio
Chapter 7 : How to BUILD a project using Visual Studio
This article explains how to build a project or solution using Visual Studio..

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