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.NET Tutorials

In this set of tutorials, we will guide you through fundamentals of .NET and introduce you to various new programming concepts.

Chapter 1 : What Is .NET ?
This chapter gives you an introduction to the .NET technology and explains what is .NET. .NET is a major technology change for Microsoft and the software world. Just like the computer world moved from DOS to Windows, now they are moving to .NET. But don't be surprised if you find anyone saying that "I do not like .NET and I would stick with the good old COM and C++". There are still lot of people who like to use the bullock-cart instead of the latest Honda car.
Chapter 2 : Visual Studio .NET
What is Visual Studio.NET ?
Chapter 3 : What is XML?
This article explains ...Waht is Extensible Markup Language
Chapter 4 : Download VS.NET
This chapter explains where to get the Visual Studio .NET Typically, Visual Studio .NET is a paid software. However, Microsoft gives several options to get free editions of VS.NET. Read the details below to find how to get a free or paid version of Visual Studio.
Chapter 5 : "Hello World" Application
It is time to get started with code. In this chapter, we will show you how to write your first C# program. This chapter assumes that you have already installed and configured Visual Studio .NET in your computer.
Chapter 6 : C# Language Syntax
C# Language Syntax and essentials
Chapter 7 : DataTypes in C#
Datatypes in C# and .NET
Chapter 8 : Classes and Object model in .NET
Classes and Object model in .NET
Chapter 9 : Property in C# class
Property in C# class
Chapter 10 : Namespaces
Namespaces in .NET
Chapter 11 : WinForms
Chapter 12 : Displaying Simple MessageBox
Simple MessageBox
Chapter 13 : C# sample for basic file operations
Basic File Operation
Chapter 14 : C# sample for retrieving html content from any websites
Retrieving html content from any URL
Chapter 15 : Application Configuration Files
Using Application Configuration File to store application specific information
Chapter 16 : Debugging in VS.NET
In this tutorial, you can learn more about debugging in Visual Studio, how to use the debugging feature and how to effectively debug an application to troubleshoot coding issues.
Chapter 17 : Accessing Database
Accessing database using ADO.NET in C# or VB.NET
Chapter 18 : Create, Read, Update, Delete - ADO.NET sample
Basic Database operations using ADO.NET - CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
Chapter 19 : DataSet, DataTable, DataRow
Manipulating Data using DataSet and DataTable
Chapter 20 : More about DataTable and DataRow
DataTable class in ADO.NET
Chapter 21 : Exception Handling in .NET
Exception handling in .NET Framework
Chapter 22 : Exception classes in .NET
Exception classes in .NET Framework
Chapter 23 : Traditional Visual Basic error handling and it's .NET equivalents
Difference between old Visual Basic "On Error" and new VB.NET exception handling
Chapter 24 : Custom Exceptions
How to write custom exception classes in C#
Chapter 25 : Introduction to XML
Introduction to XML

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