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How to Retrieving Details of a file in ASP.net.?

In this article I'm trying to explain how to retrieve details of a file using C#.net code. Here, we just enter path of that file based on that path if file is exists then it will display the details of that file. This article will help you for fresher as well as for beginners.

How to create Custom WebPart and upload into SharePoint site

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create WebPart and how to use that WebPart in SharePoint application. During this we can understood how to work with Custom WebParts. WebParts are introduced in SharePoint in the year of 2003. From there onwards in ASP.net application also MicroSoft introduces to prepare our own Custom WebParts.

How to Create a File in Directory

In my previous post i try to explain how to create a directory and how to get directory files and display into our system. Now, i try to explain how to create a file in a directory using C#.net, this article will help you for beginners and those who are beginners to perform this task.

Retrieve Directory Files

In this article I'm trying to explain how to retrieve files from directory, as per user enter directory path what are the available files in that particular directory we get all the files. Hope this article will help you for fresher’s those who are working in the same domain.

Viewing SubDirectories of a Directory

In this article I'm trying to explain how to view sub directories based on root directory. In my previous articles I'm trying to explain how to view the files in a directory and how to copy files from one directory to another etc.. but now I'm trying to explain how to view sub directories available under root directory. This article will help you especially for fresher's and those who are new to this concept.

How to create SubDirectory

In my previous articles I try to explain how to create Directories and how to get files information etc.. Now, I'm trying to explain how to create Sub Directory under Directory. During this we learn how to create a sub directory in our system, this will help you for beginners those who are new to this.

Copying a Directory and Files

In this article I'm trying to explain how to copy Directory information from one path to another path and how to copy files from one directory to another directory. This will help you those who are beginners to perform this action.

Create a Directory in our System

In my previous article I'm trying to explain how to show directory information in to our application. Now, I'm trying to explain how to create a new Directory in to our system and how to show the message if directory has been already exists. Hope this article will help you those who are new to perform this.

Display Drivers Information

In this article I'm trying to explain how to display our system drivers' information into our application. How to check size of that and how to check driver type and how to check free space and available space of that.

How to Create DataSource control using Gridview control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create DataSource controls like LinqDataSource, XMLDataSource etc. Using Gridview control in ASP.net. During this process we can able to learn how to create DataSource controls and how to configure with Gridview control for displaying data into that. This article will help you for beginners.

How to Create DataSource control using DataList control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create DataSource controls like LinqDataSource, XMLDataSource etc. Using Gridview control in ASP.net. During this process we can able to learn how to create DataSource controls and how to configure with DataList control for displaying data into that. This article will help you for beginners.

How to Create DataSource control using Details View control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create DataSource controls like LinqDataSource, XMLDataSource etc. Using DetailsView control in ASP.net. During this process we can able to learn how to create DataSource controls and how to configure with DetailsView control for displaying data into that. This article will help you for beginners.

How to Create DataSource control using Form View control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create DataSource controls like LinqDataSource, XMLDataSource etc.. Using FormView control in ASP.net. During this process we can able to learn how to create DataSource controls and how to configure with FormView control for displaying data into that. This article will help you for beginners.

Using XMLDataSource control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to work with <b>XMLDataSource</b> control for displaying database data to our DataControls. During this process we can able to learn how to configure LinqDataSource control and how to connect with DataControl. This is very simple to communicate with our Database.

How to Create DataSource control using Form RepeaterControl in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create DataSource controls like LinqDataSource, XMLDataSource etc.. Using Repeater control in ASP.net. During this process we can able to learn how to create DataSource controls and how to configure with Repeater control for displaying data into that. This article will help you for beginners.

Using EntityDataSource control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to work with EntityDataSource control for displaying database data to our DataControls. During this process we can able to learn how to configure EntityDataSource control and how to connect with DataControl. This is very simple to communicate with our Database.

Using the ObjectDataSource control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to work with ObjectDataSource control for displaying database data to our DataControls. During this process we can able to learn how to configure ObjectDataSource control and how to connect with DataControl. This is very simple to communicate with our Database.

Using LinqDataSource control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to work with LinqDataSource control for displaying database data to our DataControls. During this process we can able to learn how to configure LinqDataSource control and how to connect with DataControl. This is very simple to communicate with our Database.

Using SqlDataSource Control in ASP.net

In this article I'm trying to explain how to work with SqlDataSource control to bind database data to our DataControls like Gridview, DataList etc.. During this process we can able to learn how to configure SqlDataSource control and how to connect with DataControl. This is very simple to communicate with our Database.

Gridview sorting and filtering

In this article I'm trying to explain how to sort and filter gridview data using DataView in ASP.net. using DefaultView of DataView you can able to get the result into DataView object. Now, I tried to explain how to sort and filter data with step by step.

ASP.NET Validation Controls

If user enter some invalid information as a input you must protect that for that reason ASP.net introduce a concept called as Validaion Controls. Using this we can restrict unwanted infromation entered by user. There are 6 types of validation controls avaialble out of 6 validations 5 of them are used to perform actual validation, whereas the final control - validationsummary is used to provide feedback to the user any errors in the page.

How to create SharePoint Package

In this article i'm trying to explain how to create SharePoint Package in Visual Studio and how to create UserControls under sharePoint package and How to Create Application pages under sharePoint Package. This article will help you those who are in begining level to Implement SharePoint package.

Creating FullText Index in SQL Server

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create FullText Index in SQL servers, using this we can able to search multiple matched text while searching data. We all are know that we can able to search single text using like keyword but we can't fetch multiple text search using like keyword for that we go to freetext search in SQL servers.

How to pass Gridview Parameters to another page using HyperLinkField

In this article I'm trying to explain how to pass parameters from Gridview Control to another page. There is an inbuilt Template called as HyperLinkField using that Template and using DataNavigateUrlFields and DataNavigateUrlFormatString< properties we can achieve our goal easily.

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