Javascript samples and examples

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Step by Step AngularJS series - Part-2

This AngularJS article is a part of Step by Step AngularJS series. In these days, JavaScript framework are on the top. I was trying to dig my head into AngularJS an awesome JavaScript framework.

Step by Step AngularJS series - Part-I

This is a first part of Step-by-Step AngularJS series. In this series, we will discuss and learn AngularJS as per our ease. In this series we will start with very basics and gradually go with few complex code/examples.

Angular js A Google Framework

In this article we will be laerning about what is Angular. Why Angular is better than other framework is the best practice in industry. we will also go through the following History Why AngularJS Overview Sample Demo Applications AngularJS vs KnockOut

Introduction to KnockOut.Js

Knockout is a JavaScript library which helps in the creation of rich web UIs. There are many emerging JavaScript libraries off late like angular, backbone etc. I would take an opportunity to explain the concept and topic my way.

Scroll text in Status Bar

In this article I explain about how to show scrolling text in the status bar of the internet Explorer.

Number to word conversion in javascript

In this article, I will explain how to Convert Number to word in javascript.We will convert numbers into their wordy counterparts, in other words: to make ‘123’ read like `one hundred and twenty three`. Only numeric characters are considered in the calculation. All other characters, and that includes the dot and the comma, are ignored.

Mask Control for Web Page Using Javascript

Today i want to discuss how to prepare or Loading a Mask in for Whole Web Page for a certain time interval.So that the User can not able to edit the Web page on that specific set of time Interval i.e.when the Page is in still Processing.

CheckBox SelectAll / DeSelectAll using Javascript...?

In this artical i'm trying to explain CheckBox SelectAll and DeSelectAll. In my page header itself i have a CheckBox Control once i click on that header checkbox all checkboxes in DataRow need to checked. Again i click on Header Checkbox need to deselect all checkboxes.

Ways of Writing JavaScript using Design Patterns

We all know about design patterns in Object oriented Programming but do you know that we also have design patterns in JavaScript? The answer is Yes we do have. But hardly few people know about it. Lets have a spin around in different type of JavaScript.

JQuery & JavaScript : A Better way to write

We all think that JavaScript so easy and we all can write better code. But have you ever thought of if you write it in a proper manner it will be really easier to maintain the code in future. Lets see what mistakes we do while writing Javascript and JQuery

RequiredField Validator + OnClientClick

This artical i'm trying to explain RequiredField Validator and confirmation message issues. For ex if we want to check requiredfieldvalidator and confirmation message at same time then first it executes client side script then only it's executed requiredfieldvalidation. Here i'm trying to explain how to overcome this type of issues in our applications.

How to write Error Proof JavaScript using Linter Tools

We all think that we are very good at JavaScript, Some people think that they are one of the best in writing JavaScript. But still their code is error prone and not good looking, Doesn't work in all browsers. To solve that we need JavaScript Linter Tools.

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