Console Applications samples and examples

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How to record voice calls (C#, SIP)

This content is intended to be a short tutorial on how to record SIP voice calls using C#.NET. This guide is recommended for intermediate-level C# developers primarily, since only one complete code is presented instead of explaining its snippets step-by-step.

How to implement static class using console application?

In this article, class is accessed without creating its instance, such class is called as static class. Whenever required methods do not need to be attached to a specific instance of the class, static class can be used. I hope this article will be useful for all beginners of .Net

How to implement Anonymous Methods in C#?

This article will demonstrate Anonymous Methods in C#. I hope it will be useful for all beginners of C#. In this article, list is used for Anonymous Methods implementation. If the value is found in the list then output will be displayed as "Value found in the list."

Using Tag property of the controls in WindowsFormsApplication.

This is the basic concept which all knows. But this will be very useful for the newly coming people to know about this property. Here is the sample application to understand the Tag property very clearly. Tag property is the property where you can set the value for the controls which will not be visible to the users. Here for the introduction purpose I kept the values. For the people who are new to DotNet they can use this and they can extend this so that they will get practice and learn more.

How to find realtion b/w 2 persons using their names???

hello all, this is one of its quite intersting program by using a tag word "FLAMES"Where we can find the relation of the 2 persons. just take 2 names "naveen" and "sanjana",while comparing the 2 strings we have to delete the equal characters and the we have switch case where we have to count the characters in the remain string

Abstract Classes with new and override keywords

Different senario's where we have use the Abstract Classes with new and override keywords. This article the implementation of abstract class with virtual with new and override keyword. This example show the virtual and overrides to accomplish Method overriding. Differentiate virtual and new to accomplish Method hiding.

Interfaces executing Polymorphic Traits

Example of Dynamic Polymorphism using interfaces as base class. overriding the base class abstract method in derived classes . Parent array is pointing to the instances array of derived classes. The corresponding Method is executed and that is determined during runtime by the interfaces . That interfaces also coded as base type to derived classes. Also the code explains the explicit interface implementation in derived classes .

Example of how to use abstract class

In this project I have calculated area of circle and rectangle.I have created abstract class in which abstract method is created which is called in other classes to using override method.A point to be noted is this,an abstract class must contain an abstract method whose implementation is done in the class which calls it or used it.

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