Encryption samples and examples

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EnCode and Decode Base64 String

This article will helps to convert the Base64 string into Encode or Decode. The Purpose of the Encoding is to used to convert our data as very secure manner and convert as Decoded string when you needed.

Encryption with the help of IDEA algorithm

We know that now days we mostly focus on the securities of the data travel like if i want to send some data from one place to other and i want no one can read this so i have an option to Encrypt the message. This Encryption is done by many algorithms so IDEA is one of them which i have used.

How Create text file with encryption text.

This resource about how to create a text file with encrypted text in that file. And Retrive that text in Decrepted format using Rijndael Algorithm using System.Security.Cryptography And how to change extension at runtime.

Encryption Vs. Encode – The difference

In this article I will be explaining the difference between “encrypting a message” and “encoding a message”. “Encryption and encoding are two different words with different meanings”.

Rijndael algorithm

Here i posted code to encrypt the plain text and decrypt the cipher text


The following code will be useful to encode the binary data

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