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How to sort dropdownlist using arraylist.

In this code snippets, we can see that How can we Sort a DropDownList with the help of Array List. What we do is simply copy the each value first in an ArrayList then sort that array list, after that we will also copy the value of each item in another array list and after that based on each key we will assing the value to the array list and finaaly back to the drop downliast.

How to use yield to return expression in C#?

This article will demonstrate yield keyword implementation. I hope it will be useful for all beginners of C#. This questions is asked in various technical interview questions for experienced candidates those who have more than 6+ years of experience as well.

Finding Duplicate Elements in Array [C# Code]

You might searched a lot on internet for finding duplicate elements in an array but not succeded with correct one. Here I am going to explain with code o=how you can determine if an array contains duplicate elements.It might helps you.

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