ADO.NET samples and examples Book Review

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Client server socket program for sending receiving messages

In this code snippet we will see how to work with client and server using tcp server using sockets to send message from client to server. This type of article may have been posted on many sites but i created it in Console and Windows and working fine on my controls. Now i will tell you what to do and how it works.

How to work with SQLLite Database Using

Today, we will discuss how to establish a Connection with SqlLite Database using In this Article we will know what are the Namespaces should we we used to get SQLiteConnection and SQLiteDataAdapter Class ? How to establish a Connection with SQL-lite Database using ? How to write a inline query in for SqlLite Database ?

Copy directories including sub folders and files inside the main directory

In this code snippet, we will take a look how you to copy the directories including sub folders and files inside the main directory from any selected directory. In the bellow mentioned code we just need select the source and destination and data will be copied to the destination location from the source specified.

Convert Dataset to Datatable and Viceversa using

Sometimes we come across a Scenario we need to convert a Dataset to Datatable and Datatable to Dataset in our Code to meet our required Solution. So this Article will helps to those who convert dataset to datatable and datatable to Dataset.

How to Transform a connected Architecture(Datareader) to a Dis Connected Architecture(Datatable).

In your Project if you use Connected Oriented Architecture(DataReader) suddenly you want to transform Dis Connected Oriented Architecture(DataTable) .In there is a way you can transform a Connected Oriented Architecture(Data Reader) to Dis Connected Oriented Architecture (DataTable) with minimal of effort(less code changes). so how to Achieve this in your .Net Programming(vb/C#).I will explain it with Code Snippets.

Login code in c#

Code for login form ,user enter username,password this is verified from database and according to that user is logged in or invalid user message is given

Paging in LINQ

Are you serching article about how to Paging in LINQ with code snippet

Retrieve Directory Files

In this article I'm trying to explain how to retrieve files from directory, as per user enter directory path what are the available files in that particular directory we get all the files. Hope this article will help you for fresher’s those who are working in the same domain.

Display Drivers Information

In this article I'm trying to explain how to display our system drivers' information into our application. How to check size of that and how to check driver type and how to check free space and available space of that.

Data Controls in ASP.NET 4.0

In this artical i'm trying to expalin about DataControls. What is data control. Different types of dataControls and Description about that controls and i give small example using all those controls at a time.

Display Excel Data in GridView in

In this Article , I am trying to explain how to display excel data into GridView based on sheet selection. Here, first I fetch all the sheets into one Dropdownlist and based upon the Dropdown sheet selection we show the data in Gridview.

Import Data from Excel to SQL Server using ASP.Net

Many times we need to import data from excel sheet to Sql Server data base in our web application. So Here I am going to show you the step by step process to import data from Excel to SQL Server. In this article you will get the code for uploading the excel file into server and then import data from that file into SQL Server. How to import Data from Excel to SQL Server using ASP.Net?

Nested GridView with Extendable

In this artical i'm trying to explain how to work with nested GridView with expandable option. For example if we click on parent row infomration then only the child grid information. This is very preety to show the data.

ListView in

In this artical i'm trying to explain what is ListView control, what is the Use of ListView Controller. How it works and How to bind data ListView. What are the different types of templates include in that and what are the features include in that...? DataList Control..?

In this artical i'm trying to explain What is DataList Control, How it's works, What is the speciality of this control. The unique feature of DataList control is Display the result in columns wise. For this we need to set the RepeatColumns property, based on that RepeatColumns value the result to be displayed. Here i'm discussing about how to work with datalist controls how to display the result into columns.

How maintain state for its controls..?

In this article I'm trying to explain how maintain state for it's controls. Client make a request server respond based on client request i the mean time controls maintain state or not. If it's maintain the state what happen inside to maintain the state. If it's not maintain the state what is the problem.

Calculate Online users and Total Users in

In this article I'm trying to explain how to calculate total Users and online users using global.asax file. Here we give the count of users and in page wise we give the session timeout. By default timout for session is 20 min, we replace that with 1 min in programmatically.


update values in your table using oracle comands.. before using this you must create the table like hear application

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