Web Access samples and examples

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Using ViewBag in ASP.net MVC

In my Previous article; I explained about ViewData to maintain state over MVC Controller to Views, apart from ViewData we have several options to maintain state in ASP.net MVC one of that is ViewBag. In this article I'm going to explain ViewBag statemanagement with small example.

Using ViewData in ASP.net MVC

We all know that we can't use ViewState in MVC because of Bandwidth Consumptionproblem. We have several alternatives to maintain state in ASP.net MVC, one of that is ViewData. ViewData is a dictionary; it will pass data between Controller and Views. Controller will add data to the dictionary and view reads from it. So, in this article I'm going to explain how to maintain state over the controls using ViewData with simple example.

How to create and call View in ASP.net MVC

In this article I'm going to explain how to create a View and how to return the ActionResult View from Controller with small example. This article will helpful to those who are beginners to ASP.net MVC.

Create a sample ASP.net MVC 5 Project

Until now I didn't get a chance to improve my MVC skills, I planned to learn it by doing some samples. After Google it, I found one best Article written by ShivPrasad Koirala, he given very brief description about ASp.net MVC and give some samples using ASP.net MVC. In this article I'm going to explain how to create a simple Program in ASP.net MVC using Controller. This article will help those who are beginners to ASP.net MVC.

A sample code for WCF Service ?

This article will describe about the WCF services by using a sample code. By reading this article you will come to know about how to use the WCF in an application. This is a very simple application of WCF. This application is created in Visual Studio.

Check Domain availability using cURL

In this article, I will explain how to Check Domain availability using cURL and PHP. The basic idea behind the cURL functions is that you initialize a cURL session using the curl_init(), then you can set all your options for the transfer via the curl_setopt(), then you can execute the session with the curl_exec() and then you finish off your session using the curl_close().

Login to any site with Curl/PHP

In this article, I will explain how to Login to any site with Curl and PHP. Manually, we access a website http://www.domain.example.com/login.html. then we fill the username / password then only we can submit poets/articles. Now I am trying to automate a submission.

Caling webservice from code file

This code - snippet shows how you can call the webservice from the code file of a web application. When we add reference to a webservice it generates a proxy file and the CustomerService.ClientConfig file which specifies the configuration needed to access the web service. but here we are going to see how we can use our own binding, webservice url to connect to the web service .

Sharepoint Timer definitions

This is is based on shrepoint timer schedules and definitions.Timer schedule is responsible for scheduling the time for all the process that are taking place in the sharepoint central admin. SPTIMERV3 is a sharepoint service that is responsible for performing the scheduled tasks.

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) made simple

This article includes creating a simple WCF Service, WCF Service Contract along with hosting and consuming WCF Service. This article does not require you to have Visual Studio installed in your system. You can use Notepad to write your code and compile it from Command window. A Complete Source code is also included along with compilation steps that you can refer to understand the topic properly.

Http context and its members

This resource provides an introduction of Http Context object along with the sample codes for all the members of HttpContext object such as Request, Resoponse, Server, Session, Application, Cache, Profile and Timespamp in a single console application.

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

This article provides introduction to WCF (Windows Communication Foundation). It covers various useful topics such as Endpoint, Address, Binding, Contract, Soap Envalop, Behavior, WCF Instance Management, Throttling in WCF, Exception Handling in WCF, Fault Contract in WCF, Fault Debugging data, Transaction handling in WCF, Security in WCF and so on.

Usage of HttpHandler

HttpHandler can be very handy in scenario when you don't require complete page cycle.

Type Marshalling

Type marshalling refers to the translation of datatypes from an application or database as it is mapped to a SOAP datatype.When any datatype, object, method, or string (xml, or a simple string) is passed as a SOAP request or response, it is automatically converted into an XML representation of itself.

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