Errors and Solutions

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Unable to build Unit Test project due to build error in referencing dependent project

Unable to build Unit Test project due to build error in referencing dependent project in visual studio 2013 project. Error: The type or namespace name 'xxx' could not be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Warning: the primary reference "xxxx\bin\Debug\xyz.dll" could not be resolved because it was built against the .NETFramework, Version=v4.5.1" framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework, Version=v4.5"

Aspx web page error on Page Postback

when web page is trying to REQUEST large data in the page postback the error will occurs if the key m below error occurs in the server side. Because microsoft security limits the maximum number of web form keys members to 1000 for HTTP request , this is limit in ASP.NET applications reject requests that have more than 1000 . so by default it accept only 1000 . so we have to increase this Manuelly in web.config Please see the "Resolution" below for in web.config page.

Error: Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name

Error: Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name. This issue comes into picture when you try to overload methods in WCF service & also when you define OperationContract NAME attributes are replicated across a service. Find solution for Error: Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Sys' is undefined

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Sys' is undefined error is raised when trying to work with Partitial page rending inAjax enabled Website This error raises when trying to call the Sys namespace before Javascript is loaded.

To install visual studio on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

This is an error got when I am trying to install VS 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.The same file will easily get installed in 32 bit OS. When I changed my system from 32 bit to 64, I can't able to install. This error will be solved through DNS.We can see how I solved this situation

Error: Could not load type 'WebApplication1.WebForm2'.

In this article we will see how to resolve the following error when you are trying to browse your web page in Visual Studio 2012. Error: Could not load type 'WebApplication1.WebForm2'. We will also see the difference between CodeFile and CodeBehind file.

Error: Invalid code syntax for BindItem

In this article we will see how to resolve the below error Error: Invalid code syntax for BindItem when binding a DataBound control like FormView in a web page. I got this error when binding FormView with the datasource.

Routing does not work in MVC4

In this article we will explore some of the updates and configuration required on Windows 7 operating system in case the Routing does not work in MVC4 that is if the routing is not supported in your application.

Common Oracle Errors and Solutions

Hello Friends, Many times we come across many oracle related errors which are very annoying and we spend several hours and day spending on finding the solution. I have aggregated some solutions to common occurring problems for a oracle developer which are as following:

Windows could not start SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) on local computer.

In this article we are going to see how to resolve the below error: Windows could not start SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) on local computer. For more information, review the system Event log. If this is a non-Microsoft service , contact the service vendor, and refer to service specific error code 17058.

Server Error in /Reports Application.

Here I am trying to explain that how to resolve an error ie, Server Error in /Reports Application.I have faced such a big problem that when I hosted my web site,Report is not working. I am using 3tier architecture and I have kept all my forms and reports in folders.When I published my web site Reports only not working,all others are ok. When I browse http://<<localhost:>>/Reports it will show the error.

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