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Get List Items from List / Library with Pagination in Moss 2007 using Web Services

In this article I'm going to explain how to get the files under Document Library / List with pagination, assume that in our library or list we have lakhs of records in SharePoint we can't get all the items at single shot. If we did that we got service error, to overcome that and got the records we have to implement the pagination concept.

Get Previous versions metadata in Moss 2007 using web service RPC Method

Recently I'm facing a typical issue while get the metadata of previous versions, since I'm using Moss 2007 we don't have much options to get it. So, I'm research what are all the ways to achieve this, initially I go with Versions web service but we get only few properties so skip this approach and after several researches then I come to know that we have 2 ways to achieve this in Moss 2007.

Get List Items through Recurrsive Sub-Folder in Moss 2007 using Web Services

In this article I'm going to explain how to get the files under Document Library Folders and Sub Folders, for example If the folders are Recursive then how to get the items behind it. In this article I'm going to explain clearly how to get the items in Recursive Sub folders in Moss 2007 using Web services.

Update ListItems and Check-In file in Moss 2007 using Web Services

In my project I'm facing one typical situation, while download the file few of the files are Checked out status, we can't download the file if the status is in Check-out, so I thought to Check-In files before download it, but it's not possible to check-In bulk of files with in fraction of seconds, So I decided to Check-In all the files through code.

Read and Write Excel in C#

In this article I'm going to explain how to read and write data from Excel file with cell by cell. Recently I'm in a situation to update or modify the data in each cell. If I go with Excel there is no option to update the data cell wise but when we go with Excel we can read / write / update data cell by cell, but coming back to performance it's little bit down as compare with Csv but in a situation to read / write/ update cell information Excel is the best option.

Read and Write CSV in C#

In this article I'm going to explain how to read and write data from Csv file with row by row. Recently I'm in a situation to read inputs from Csv file and write data into Csv with row wise. I'm little bit confused about the approach either we have to go with Csv or excel, I implemented in both the ways but coming to performance as compare to Excel, Csv give better performance. In this article I will show you how to handle Csv file using C#.

Custom Paging for Gridview using SQL Server

In my previous article I'm explaining how to load data on demand without paging, but in this article I'm going to explain how to load data for particular page dynamically, for example in some scenarios we want to load huge data, usually what we are doing load all the records and display gridview and perform paging using default grid page options, but when we are looking performance and bandwidth the approach is not good, so that only we are moving forward that load fixed page records based on page size and

Load on demand data in Gridview using Jquery

In this article I'm going to explain how to load data on demand using Jquery. In some cases to improve the performance of application we are loading data on demand basis, rather than load all the records at a time, in this article I'm going to explain how to achieve this.

Targeting application to Windows 8 and more

Recently I'm faced one big problem while display my system OS information, while execute command in command prompt it returns different windows version at the same time when I do some code logic using C# it give different Windows version, After seen the result I shocked and try to find the solution how it's possible why it's showing like this. In this article I'm going to explain how to targeting application to specific windows.

SQL Queries in different approaches

Whenever I attend Interviews the interviewer asking me few sql queries without using "this" particular function, first we should understand what is his/her expectation? For each query we can give different ways to get the result. In this article I'm going to explain how to write queries in different, different approaches.

Introduction to Windows Presentation Framework

As we are living in competition world we should be aware of all the technologies which are available in current market. Until now I learn few of Microsoft technologies, now I entered into WPF, I want to share my experience with you. In this article I'm going to explain What is WPF and simple application using that.

Forms Authentication in ASP.net MVC with sample Application

In my previous article I explain, what the disadvantages of Webforms are and what the advantages of using ASP.net MVC etc. In this article I'm moving further like security level. We all off us know that we have Authentication and Authorization concepts in ASP.net to verify the security level settings. In this article I'm going to explain FormAuthentication in ASP.net MVC.

ASP.net MVC for Beginners guide

In this article I'm going to explain what is MVC? Already Webforms fulfill my requirement why we go for MVC? What are all the disadvantages of using ASP.net Web Application and what are all the advantages of using ASP.net MVC. What type of Architecture we followed in MVC Patterns etc.

View with Collection in ASP.net MVC

Until now we are discussing how to display single record in view, now I'm going to display collection of records in view with strongly type ViewModel. In this article I'm going to discuss about View with Collection of records.

Implementing View Model in ASP.net MVC

In this article I'm going to explain how to create ViewModel and how to pass ViewModel from Controller to View as a Strongly type view. In my previous posts I explained about ViewData and ViewBag in MVC which is not strongly typed because of it's object. But using ViewModel we can make it as strong type.

Using ViewBag in ASP.net MVC

In my Previous article; I explained about ViewData to maintain state over MVC Controller to Views, apart from ViewData we have several options to maintain state in ASP.net MVC one of that is ViewBag. In this article I'm going to explain ViewBag statemanagement with small example.

Using ViewData in ASP.net MVC

We all know that we can't use ViewState in MVC because of Bandwidth Consumptionproblem. We have several alternatives to maintain state in ASP.net MVC, one of that is ViewData. ViewData is a dictionary; it will pass data between Controller and Views. Controller will add data to the dictionary and view reads from it. So, in this article I'm going to explain how to maintain state over the controls using ViewData with simple example.

How to create and call View in ASP.net MVC

In this article I'm going to explain how to create a View and how to return the ActionResult View from Controller with small example. This article will helpful to those who are beginners to ASP.net MVC.

Create a sample ASP.net MVC 5 Project

Until now I didn't get a chance to improve my MVC skills, I planned to learn it by doing some samples. After Google it, I found one best Article written by ShivPrasad Koirala, he given very brief description about ASp.net MVC and give some samples using ASP.net MVC. In this article I'm going to explain how to create a simple Program in ASP.net MVC using Controller. This article will help those who are beginners to ASP.net MVC.

Create SharePoint Site Collection

In this article I'm going to explain how to create site collection using existing Web Application, in my previous article I explain how to create SharePoint web application. Now, I'm going to explain how to create site collection using that web application.

How to create SharePoint Web Application

In this article I'm going to explain how to create SharePoint Web Application, if we plan to create SharePoint solution then Web Application is mandatory for that without Web Application we can't run the SharePoint Applications.

SharePoint WSP Deployment Process

Whenever we are moving SharePoint Solution from one place to another (or) from one environment to another environment we need to deploy webpart wsp files in to new environment.

Create SharePoint Group and user permission levels

In this article I'm trying to explain how to create SharePoint Group and how to give permissions to levels to that Group, and how to check against group Permission levels in which group he/ she is having and what's the role in that.

ModalPopupExtender with Yes/ No options without postback

Recently, I faced an issue while implementing ModalPopup in my project. As per project requirements. I want to show <b>confirmation with Yes/ No</b> options instead of Ok / Cancel. So, I go with Ajax ModalPopUpExtender control, but after using when I give Yes Page gets postback. But as per requirement we don't want postback. In this article I'm trying to explain how to show popup with Yes/ No confirmation and when I press Yes/ No / close how to avoid postback.

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