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How to call a windows application in your website ?

Today, I want to show you how a Windows application can be shown in your Web application or website with out adding any dll's. This is very Interesting to know, I experimented it. This I will demonstrate in this article with snapshots.

Interview for 5 + years of Experience in .Net

Today I want to present the Interview Questions that are asked in a CMM - Level -3 organisation in Hyderabad. I want to give detailed description with each and every question with an example , which the Interview was recently held in the CMM -LEVEL -3 COMPANY.

What is a trigger ? what are the types of Triggers ?

Today, I want to discuss in detail what are Triggers ? what are the types of Triggers In which scenario we use the Triggers these are the things i want to discuss in detail with code snippets and with .Net how to work with these triggers ? .

Multilayered Columns in Windows Applications.

I am very new to Windows Application I had given a task to create a Multi layered Column Grid . So how to achieve the task in windows application . I will discuss with Code Snippets and real time images.

How to work with SQLLite Database Using Asp.net

Today, we will discuss how to establish a Connection with SqlLite Database using Asp.net. In this Article we will know what are the Namespaces should we we used to get SQLiteConnection and SQLiteDataAdapter Class ? How to establish a Connection with SQL-lite Database using asp.net ? How to write a inline query in asp.net for SqlLite Database ?

How to Create a Rule in SQL - SERVER DATABASE ?

Today in this Article i want to tell you what is a Rule ? How and when it is applicable to your Sql-server Database ? What is the Syntax to Create Rule or Drop Rule? How to Bind the rule to a Column i will discuss here with Code Snippets ?

Database Console Commands for SQL-SERVER

what is DBCC for sql-server ? what are the important Statements or commands that exits in this DBCC ? First of all we will know what is DBCC and where it is Useful in Sql ? and one Important thing is How to reset your Auto Increment of a column Property with this. We will discuss here with Code Snippets

3-6 years of Asp.net Interview Questions

In recent days i am going for Interviews. These are the Questions that are asked for 3-6 years of .Net Experience in one company . I want to Present those interview questions with Answers. Please go through with it . Review the answers once through search Engines.

How to work with CefSharp.dll

In this Article i want to present a Dynamic Link Library (.dll ) Named called Cefsharp. How it will be useful and where it is Used. I will explain with real time scenario with snippet of Code Lines. Cefsharp is the dll which is used to embed Html in Windows Application.

DataAnnotations in Asp.net Mvc

When you are working in asp.net Model View Controller Architecture how you validate Input Controls. What are the Different types of Controls that exists in Asp.net Mvc. I want to describe here in this Article.

Sending SMS through Asp.net using C#

There are some Developers asking in Forum discussions how to send a Short Message service (i.e. SMS) in asp.net There are certain ways to send an SMS what are the ways to Send an SMS. I will illustrate here with detailed description and i will write Code snippets for url (i.e. HTTP) model of sending SMS.

Download a file for a given URL Using WebClient class in c#

Today i want to discuss an article how to Download a file with a given Uniform Resource Locator (URL) In which scenario it will be useful and how to use this Method. How to check Network Connection available through asp.net Coding ? I will discuss in detail in this Article with Code snippets.

How and when to use WebBrowser control in Windows Forms

Today i want to discuss an article about a Control called Webbrowser when this Webbrowser Control is added into Windows forms which scenario it will be Useful. I will write a Detailed description here with Code Snippets.

HTML Editor in ext.net Asp.net C#

Sometimes we come across the Scenario to save the Data in Html Format that means the tags are rendered with text(For example if we apply Color, Bold or paragraph any other aspects) in the Database and when we want to update the Information we need to retrieve the data as it is and set to the Html Editor as it is.So how do you work with Html Editor using ext.net in asp.net.

Convert Dataset to Datatable and Viceversa using asp.net

Sometimes we come across a Scenario we need to convert a Dataset to Datatable and Datatable to Dataset in our Code to meet our required Solution. So this Article will helps to those who convert dataset to datatable and datatable to Dataset.

How to popup a Window from a Grid Click Item event Using asp.net C#

Sometimes we get a scenario to update the Information of the Grid Data. With Inline Editing of the Grid the End User will not have visualize the Details properly due to that he may not update his details in that. So when clicking an event in the Grid Command how we need to popup a window . This is the One i need to discuss in this Article here..

What is Group Theory with an Example

Today in this article i want to demonstrate the definition of Group theory what are the properties that satisfy if the set of elements are in a Group .The article will provide the sample example for Group theory. It is an introduction to GROUP THEORY and with that i will demonstrate what is an abelian Group or Commutative group

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