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Filter overriding in ASP.NET MVC 5.0

In this article we are going to look at one of the new features of ASP.NET MVC 5.0: Overriding Filter. We will look at a simple example of how to override the global filter and apply it to the action methods in the HomeController class.

Install new version of TypeScript

In this article we are going to focus on how to install a new version of TypeScript using tsc -v command if there is already an older version of typescript installed on your computer due to Visual Studio installation.

Integrating TypeScript with Sublime Text2

In this article we are going to focus on how to integrate the TypeScript with Sublime Text 2. For the basic introduction to TypeScript, TypeScript is a Super script of JavaScript and it is strictly typed language.

Unable to build Unit Test project due to build error in referencing dependent project

Unable to build Unit Test project due to build error in referencing dependent project in visual studio 2013 project. Error: The type or namespace name 'xxx' could not be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Warning: the primary reference "xxxx\bin\Debug\xyz.dll" could not be resolved because it was built against the .NETFramework, Version=v4.5.1" framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework, Version=v4.5"

Working with $http and json in asp.net angularjs application

In this article we are going to focus on working with $http and json data. In our ASP.NET page, we will first get the data from the Sql Server database and then convert this data into JSON format. We will then display this JSON data in the asp.net page and we will also consume this json data using $http.get in the html page.

Working with AJAX in MVC application

In this article we are going to focus on Working with AJAX in MVC application. We are using AJAX because we would like to avoid reloading the complete page whenever the form is submitted to the server.

Working with Areas in MVC Application

In this article we are going to focus on the following topics related to AREAS in MVC application.
1. Significance of AREA in MVC
2. Creating an AREA in an MVC project
3. Significance of AdminAreaRegistration class
4. Populating the AREA

Using Dependency Injection in MVC Application

In this article we are going to focus on Using Dependency Injection in MVC 4 Application. We we also see what is loose coupling and how Dependency Injection helps in maintaining the loosely coupled code.

Working with Helper methods in MVC Application

In this article we are going to focus on Helper methods in an MVC Application. We will look at the following topics :
1. Creating Custom Helper Methods
2. About Built-in Helper Methods
3. About Strongly Typed Input Helpers

Test Driven Development (TDD) in MVC Application

In this article we are going to focus on how to perform Test Driven Development (TDD) in MVC 4 Applications. We are going to look at following topics: 1. About MVC4 TDD 2. What is Test-Driven development ? 3. Why Test-Driven development 4. How to perform Test-Driven development

Using Extension Methods in MVC 4.0 Applications

In this article we are going to focus on how to use Extension Methods in MVC 4.0 Application. Extension Methods are powerful in providing the custom add on functionality for the user defined types. We will calculate TotalPrice using extension method.

Difference between Logical Tree and Visual Tree in WPF

In this article we will focus on the differences between the Logical Tree and Visual Tree in WPF. This is very important and useful concept to know if you want to know about the controls. A Logical Tree comprises of the elements as they are listed in the XAML whereas a Visual Tree comprises of the parts that make up the controls and panels.

Creating a Simple Web API application

In this article we are going to focus on how to create a simple Web API application and access it using any browser such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. Web API supports GET, PUT, POST, DELETE methods and it can be used in any kind of applications such as Web Applications, Mobile Applications, Console Applications.

MCTS 70-511 pass guide

In this article I am going to focus on some of the concepts which I remember appeared in the MCTS 70-511, Windows Application Development Exam. I am going to write the important topics which are covered in the exam and give brief introduction to each topic whenever possible.

How to create Grid with same Row Size in a ListBox

In this article we will see How to create Grid with same Row Size in a ListBox. We are going to use one of the important properties of Grid control "IsSharedSizeScope". Using this property along with the SharedSizeGroup property in the Grid's Column Definition we will make the width of equal sizes in every grid or using the Grid's Row Definition we will make the height of equal sized in every grid.

Markup Extensions in WPF

In this article we are going to focus on Markup Extensions in WPF. They are used to extend capabilities of XAML(eXtensible Application Markup Language). the MarkupExtension class is present in the System.Xaml assembly.

Linq Insert update delete,select in vb.net

In this article we will focus on how to how to use LinqToSql classes to perform Insert,Update,Delete,Select operations on database tables using VB.NET. Linq to SQl provides runtime infrastructure for performing database operations such as Insert,Update,Delete, Select using objects. It automatically tracks changes in the background.

Using Image embedded in another dll in a WPF application

In this article we will see how to use an image which is embedded in another dll(probably a part of your another project) in a WPF application. We will also see how to resolve the error:The URI prefix is not recognized Error while setting the Image Source property to the image in another dll file.

Working with WebParts

In this article we will focus on how to work with Web Parts in our web application. We will customize the Web Part as per the users requirement. We will also see how to drag and drop web parts from one zone to another zone.

About LocalDB database in Visual Studio IDE.

In this article we will see what is LocalDB database and what is the use of this database. LocalDB is a Light weight database with minimum set of files required to create the database. It is part of Visual Studio 2012 and later versions of Visual Studio. It needs .NET Framework 4.0.2 version installed.

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