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Extract images from word document using OpenXML

This resource is about to extract images from word document using OpenXML. File extension should be .docx. DOCX means XML Documents which helps you to read files easily and perform any action on the system because it is light weight.

Convert Excel files (.xlsx) to Excel Macro Enabled files (.xlsm)

In this article i will explain you that how you can convert simple excel files (.xlsx) to excel macro enable files (.xlsm). .xslx is the file extension of excel files which will be converted to .xlsm file format which is known as macro enable files. Macro enables files can run macros which contains VBA code (also known as VBA). It is the programming language used within Excel to develop macros.

Beep sound if cell found empty in excel

In this article i will explain you that how you can beep sound if you found empty cell or if you found cell which has minimum value than that you have defined or if you found which has maximum value than that you have defined in excel. So in all these different situations you can beep different different sounds as per your requirement.

Show data in popup on image click from database

In this article we will discuss how we can get the data from sql database with single click on any image. It's quite interesting and I had great experience while making this app. On any image click we will get the information about image in modal popup.

Client server socket program for sending receiving messages

In this code snippet we will see how to work with client and server using tcp server using sockets to send message from client to server. This type of article may have been posted on many sites but i created it in Console and Windows and working fine on my controls. Now i will tell you what to do and how it works.

Insert and Retrieve images to the Crystal Report using ASP.NET from database

In this article we will discuss that how to store values and image to SQL Database and how to retrieve the values and image from the database and show it into the crystal report using ASP.NET. This is not a complex job to insert binary value to the database and retrieve it. This was like a magic for me when I completed this task.

Programatically create multiple textboxes in windows application

In this code snippet we will see how to create TextBox Windwos controls dynamically. In code-snippet, we will see that how you can create multiple textboxes programatically in single event of Windows Forms Application. It is very simple to do this task. You just have to create simple form and set your form size and define the number of buttons that you want to add in form and click on button, textboxes will be automatically added to different positions.

Copy directories including sub folders and files inside the main directory

In this code snippet, we will take a look how you to copy the directories including sub folders and files inside the main directory from any selected directory. In the bellow mentioned code we just need select the source and destination and data will be copied to the destination location from the source specified.

Windows service to take backup of MySQL database at every interval

Hello Coders, Here in this article i am going to explain you that how you can take a backup of your MySQL database without taking backup from MySQL Workbench. I will create on Windows service to take database backup and it will take backup at regular interval defined in the configuration file. I have defined the interval time in the file, So the user can change the interval timing based on their requirement.

Add watermark to word file using C# windows application

In this article i am going to explain you that how you can add watermark to word (document) file. Which is so simple by using c# in windows application You just have to download the reference file which is attached as a link to this resource and add it your project and follow the below mentioned steps than you are done.

Print barcode from mysql database using C#

Here i am going to explain you that how to print a bar codes from MySQL database. and working with file for printing a bar codes using C# language. It is very simple. Here i will read data from data table and write the data into file to print a bar codes.

Convert document file to HTML, PDF, RTF, XPS

In this article you will see how is too easy to convert your document from .doc or .docx format to different formats like .html, .pdf, .rtf and .xps.. Online conversation is also available but why don't we chose if we don't have a internet and you want to convert the file urgently.

Auto backup of MySql database

This article will help you to take auto backup of MySql database on timer based. You just set the values in minutes in .ini file that you have created. Than you can change without changing the code to take a backup. Now if you want to the change the backup timing from 5 minutes instead of 1 minute just change the value in file, you are done.

How to send one gridview data to another gridview on the same page

In this article we will discuss how we can send one gridview data to another on the same page and on another page also. I have two pages one is Products and another is ViewCart. Products page shows me how many products are there and which i want to buy and ViewCart page shows me which products i purchased from products page.

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