Pagination using Jquery in Gridview without prerender grid event.
Today I want to discuss an article pagination of a gridview using Jquery . The article will discuss the implementation of Jquery grid pagination and the prerequisites for the same with code snippets and snapshots.
As we all know pagination in Gridview with c# is a tedious and herculean task to work for coders or programmers because it will call all the server side pagination events of a grid that makes the burden on website, using Jquery we can easily work using Jquery pagination will not make any costly calls to the database server. There are so many articles discuss in various websites but there is a draw back by using that code. Let us discuss how to overcome that in this article.
In General we use pagination of a grid view using grid events but to do so there are so many events will fire on server side and we use stipulated pagination functionality of that gridview. But when we work with custom paging we need to write lot of code or lengthy code in coding, but using Jquery code you will know how to paginate a grid without writing lengthy code.
There are so many websites which discuss the same in their articles how to paginate a gridview using Jquery but I found a different way of doing it using the same libraries with more effective way i.e. without using any server side events.
We all know Jquery pagination is a client side scripting therefore there is no need of interaction with database server. We heard about on demand - load concept Jquery pagination will exactly do this.
Let us have a snapshot what we are discussing here
Here in the dropdown list we have multiple's of 5 for pagination(5, 10, 25, 50, 100)...... this is Jquery code and you can find this in any website...
<script type="text/javascript">
<script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.tablePagination.0.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
$(window).load(function () {
(function ($) {
$.fn.tablePagination = function (settings) {
var defaults = {
firstArrow: (new Image()).src = "../../../../Images/first.gif",
prevArrow: (new Image()).src = "../../../../Images/prev.gif",
lastArrow: (new Image()).src = "../../../../Images/last.gif",
nextArrow: (new Image()).src = "../../../../Images/next.gif",
rowsPerPage: 5,
currPage: 1,
optionsForRows: [5, 10, 25, 50, 100],
ignoreRows: []
settings = $.extend(defaults, settings);
var table = $(this)[0];
if (table.rows.length > 0) {
return this.each(function () {
var table = $(this)[0];
var totalPagesId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_totalPages';
var currPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_currPage';
var rowsPerPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_rowsPerPage';
var firstPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_firstPage';
var prevPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_prevPage';
var nextPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_nextPage';
var lastPageId = '#' + + '+#tablePagination #tablePagination_lastPage';
var possibleTableRows = $.makeArray($('tbody tr', table));
var tableRows = $.grep(possibleTableRows, function (value, index) {
return ($.inArray(value, defaults.optionsForRows.copyWithin) == -1);
}, false)
var numRows = tableRows.length;
if (numRows > 0) {
var totalPages = resetTotalPages();
var currPageNumber = (defaults.currPage > totalPages) ? 1 : defaults.currPage;
if ($.inArray(defaults.rowsPerPage, defaults.optionsForRows) == -1)
function hideOtherPages(pageNum) {
if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum > totalPages)
var startIndex = (pageNum - 1) * defaults.rowsPerPage;
var endIndex = (startIndex + defaults.rowsPerPage - 1);
for (var i = 1; i < tableRows.length; i++) {
if (i < startIndex || i > endIndex) {
function resetTotalPages() {
var preTotalPages = Math.round(numRows / defaults.rowsPerPage);
var totalPages = (preTotalPages * defaults.rowsPerPage < numRows) ? preTotalPages + 1 : preTotalPages;
if ($(totalPagesId).length > 0)
return totalPages;
function resetCurrentPage(currPageNum) {
if (currPageNum < 1 || currPageNum > totalPages)
currPageNumber = currPageNum;
function resetPerPageValues() {
var isRowsPerPageMatched = false;
var optsPerPage = defaults.optionsForRows;
var perPageDropdown = $(rowsPerPageId)[0];
perPageDropdown.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < optsPerPage.length; i++) {
if (optsPerPage[i] == defaults.rowsPerPage) {
perPageDropdown.options[i] = new Option(optsPerPage[i], optsPerPage[i], true, true);
isRowsPerPageMatched = true;
else {
perPageDropdown.options[i] = new Option(optsPerPage[i], optsPerPage[i]);
if (!isRowsPerPageMatched) {
defaults.optionsForRows == optsPerPage[0];
if (numRows > 0) {
function createPaginationElements() {
var htmlBuffer = [];
htmlBuffer.push(" Per Page ");
htmlBuffer.push(" ");
htmlBuffer.push("Page ");
htmlBuffer.push(" ");
htmlBuffer.push(" of " + totalPages + "");
return htmlBuffer.join("").toString();
if ($(totalPagesId).length == 0 && numRows > 5) {
else {
$(firstPageId).bind('click', function (e) {
$(prevPageId).bind('click', function (e) {
resetCurrentPage(currPageNumber - 1)
$(nextPageId).bind('click', function (e) {
resetCurrentPage(currPageNumber + 1)
$(lastPageId).bind('click', function (e) {
$(currPageId).bind('change', function (e) {
$(rowsPerPageId).bind('change', function (e) {
defaults.rowsPerPage = parseInt(this.value, 10);
totalPages = resetTotalPages();
you just need to paste this code in your below of the script tags and change the Gridids of yours.....
Note :
Honestly speaking this code you may find in many of the websites but there is a twist here if you observe all websites there is a Pre-render grid event in code which keeps the header as it is for the Grid. But that is not at all needed
You don't need that prerender Grid event for keeping the headers. As If you set this attribute..... defaults.optionsForRows.copywithin......
var possibleTableRows = $.makeArray($('tbody tr', table));
var tableRows = $.grep(possibleTableRows, function (value, index) {
return ($.inArray(value, defaults.optionsForRows.copyWithin) == -1);
}, false)
So, What I mean to say without using Prerender event we can use Jquery to keep the headers as it is if you use this
defaults.optionsForRows.copywithin. The images which are not able to see in code are Firstarrow, prevarrow,next arrow and lastarrow gif's