Create SharePoint Site Collection

In this article I'm going to explain how to create site collection using existing Web Application, in my previous article I explain how to create SharePoint web application. Now, I'm going to explain how to create site collection using that web application.

Create SharePoint Site Collection:

In this article I'm going to explain how to create site collection using existing Web Application, in my previous article I explain how to create SharePoint web application. Now, I'm going to explain how to create site collection using that web application.

Follow the below steps to achieve that.

Step 1:

Open Central Administration with administrator logins and then choose Application Management under Central Administration and then choose Create Site collection under Site Collection tab.


Step 2:

Once you click on Create Site Collection, it's redirecting to creating new site collection page.


Step 3:

There you can find the option Web Application, we have a dropdown behind that, by default its shown the latest web application, if you want to create site collection under different one then click on that dropdown there its asking to "Change the Web Application", it's open one popup with all web applications are listed out there. Select which one you want.


Step 4:

Give Title and Description of the site and then in URL provide the necessary details and then for Template choose your required template based on your need, each template behaves in different manner, after creating a site you can't able to change the template, provide primary site collection administrator and secondary site collection administrator and click on "OK" button.


Step 5:

After create a site collection the confirmation message shown like below,


Step 6:

If you want to see the site collection which you created then follow the below steps.
Central Administrator - > Application Management - > Site Collection - > View all site collection.



This article will helpful to those who are looking for the same.

Article by naveensanagasetti
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Author: naveensanagasetti23 Aug 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Hi Karen,

Thanks for sharing nice information to our members

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