How to create SharePoint Web Application

In this article I'm going to explain how to create SharePoint Web Application, if we plan to create SharePoint solution then Web Application is mandatory for that without Web Application we can't run the SharePoint Applications.

How to create SharePoint Web Application:

In this article I'm going to explain how to create SharePoint Web Application, if we plan to create SharePoint solution then Web Application is mandatory for that without Web Application we can't run the SharePoint Applications.


Web Application: create a new SharePoint web application which, in turn, creates a new IIS web site with backing databases that can be used for creating new SharePoint sites.

Step 1:

Right click on SharePoint Central Administration and then open with Administrator logins, then below screen will appears.


Step 2:

Click on Application Management under Central Administration and then click on Manage web application.


Step 3:

After clicking on Manage web application, its open the site collection list against that.

Step 4:

Under Manage web application, in the menu you can able to view the "New" option with Globe symbol. It is in Clickable mode, just click on that it will redirect you to create new web application.


Step 5:

It's open a Create a New web application page, as usual in SharePoint you can see 2 panels in right hand side you can able to choose the details and in left hand side against that details content will show in left hand side.



Claims based Authentication: It's authenticating the user with STS (security token service) to SharePoint, SharePoint converts that into SPUser. Example of this is Windows Authentication.

Classic Mode Authentication: Example of this is Farm based Authentication mode.

IIS Web site:

Use Existing IIS Website: If you want to reuse the existing IIS Website then you can select it from the dropdown, in dropdown it's listed all the existing IIS Websites.

Create New IIS Website: If you want to create new IIS website there you can find 3 options like port, host header, and path. If you change the Port number obviously IIS name and Path name should change with the new port number.

Security Configuration:

If you want to configure security level then you can set the options here, on left hand side of the pane you can able to see the details of this.

Authentication provider
Allow Anonymous
SSL Certificate

Public URL:

Its return the SharePoint Web Application URL

Application pool:

Use Existing Application Pool: There is a dropdown control behind this, you can choose the listed out Application pools available in IIS, if you want to reuse it you can choose the appropriate application pool.

Create new application pool: You can create new application pool using this option.

Database Name and Authentication:

Usually for database level configurations we required server and database name. So, here you need to provide this 2 for creating database.

In SQL how we have Authentication mode, like Windows Authentication / SQL Authentication. Same like here also you can use any one of the following recommendation is Windows Authentication.

Keep the rest of the settings as it is, and clicks on "OK" button then it's creating new web application.

Step 6:

After created successfully, you can able to view the web application in the list, select the web application and then you can configure it based on your need.


Step 7:

After Perform all configuration level settings then if you have already any data to restore it into new web application, get back of that site collection and restore it.


Conclusion :

Hope this article will helpful to those who are looking for the same.

Article by naveensanagasetti
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