How to Join Free Webinar

In this article I am going to share steps how to Join Webinar in DotNetSpider. This resource is very helpful if you are joining webinar in First Time. .Hope You Like my articale

In this article I am going to explain how to join webinar (Web+Seminar).

For joining the webinar you must have tool called as Microsoft Office live meeting client setup.

You can download the Microsoft Office live meeting client setup,

using the following link: Download Microsoft live meeting Client Setup Here

- Install the Microsoft Live Meeting Client Setup
Install Microsoft Live Meeting

- After the successfully installation ,click on Close .
Completion of Installation - Microsoft Live Meeting

- Now the your machine is Ready for joining the webinar.

Joining Live Meeting

You will get Webinar details on the following link: Webinar Test Driven Application development on June 28th 8:00PM

Note:- Join webinar before 20 Minute

For joining the webinar follow the step

Step 1: Open Microsoft Office Live Meeting it becomes look like

Joining Live Meeting

Step 2: Get the meeting Id from the

Joining Live Meeting

Step 3: Copy the Meeting Id and paste into the Meeting Id of Microsoft Office Live Meeting

Step 4: Click on Join,Enter your Name and click on Continue.

Enter Meeting Id to Join Live Meeting

Step 5: You can directly join to the webinar.

Enjoy our free webinar!


Author: Gaurav Aroraa21 Jun 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Thanks Abhijeet for step-by-step explanation how to join webinar

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