How to work with SQLLite Database Using
Today, we will discuss how to establish a Connection with SqlLite Database using In this Article we will know what are the Namespaces should we we used to get SQLiteConnection and SQLiteDataAdapter Class ? How to establish a Connection with SQL-lite Database using ? How to write a inline query in for SqlLite Database ?
There are Many Databases like SQl-server, Oracle , My-sql Database to store and retrieve the data using but how to connect with SQLLITE database in . This database almost resembles like SQL-SERVER.
But in .Net Framework there is no predefined namespace that exists to connect with the SQLite Database. we need to add a reference SQLite.NET.dll in your project . which you will find by Googling it. or please refer for the Following site
if you want work with SQllite Linq than you need to download System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll and add reference in your Project.
After successfully adding a reference in your .Net than you need to get Connection class the following statement you need to write for that.
SQLiteConnection objcon = new SQLiteConnection("your Connection string here" );
the Connection string as follows for ex:-
sqlite_conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\SQLITEDATABASES\SQLITEDB1.sqlite;Version=3;");
sql_con = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=Tlist.db;Version=3;New=False;Compress=True;");
after Writing the Connection statement we need to write SqlliteCommand than it follows like this
SQLiteCommand cmd =new SQLiteCommand(query, sql_con);
Now after writing the Cmd we need to know the state of the Connection whether it is Opened or Closed for that you need to write the below statement
if(sql_con.State == system.Data.Connection.Open)
if(sql_con.State == system.Data.Connection..Close)
then the Command ExecuteQuery OR Execute scalar is as similar with sqlServer statement goes like this
object stepid = sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar();
but you want use Dataadapter than sqlDataAdapter will not work than you need to have SQLiteDataAdapter Look the below code
SQLiteDataAdapter sqladapt = new SQLiteDataAdapter(COMMAND,CON)