3-6 years of Asp.net Interview Questions

In recent days i am going for Interviews. These are the Questions that are asked for 3-6 years of .Net Experience in one company . I want to Present those interview questions with Answers. Please go through with it . Review the answers once through search Engines.

As i finished my First round of Interview for the second round of Interview Questions these are the Questions that are asked .

Interviewer Asked

1) How you Define Columns for Purchase Order Table in your database?

ans ) I told i will have a Orders table with Column names Invoiceno, Customer Id, PurcOrderdate, Itemid, Qty and totalPrice and Item table in that Itemid itemprice (Normalization)

Interviewer Asked
2)What is boxing and Unboxing

I said
ans) Boxing is the process converting value type to the type of object and the reverse process is called Unboxing

Interviewer Asked.

3) How do you convert a Database stored in session

I answered

Dataset dst = (Dataset) Session["DATASET"];

Interviewer Asked

4)what is the Namespace for StringBuilder ?

I answered

5) what is datatable.Select() ?

I answered

rowfilter is to filter the rows in a Datatable for ex : datatable.select() which result array of rows.

interviewer Asked

6)what are the three different state modes in asp,net

I answered

1)Inproc 2) OutProc 3)Sql-server

7)How do you work with sql-server mode ?

I Answered I am not aware of it.

8)what is thread pooling ?

Ans I do n't know

9) I have an webservice i cached some values in the Webservice . I will updated some values to the Database (For once in a week or even at any time my database values are updated.) but my Cache will have only previous values i will get the updated the values in my application i have to keep monitor or check in the database tables. Is there any automatic mechanism as my Webservice values will get automatically updated as the Database values are updated in sqlserver. Because if i check manually my application performance will get effected. or if i clear the cache for every 24 hours in between that i can update the database values and it will not reflect in the Front end. I have to wait for 24 hours to get my new updated values.


Ans) In my application we every time reset the Cache for every 24 hours.

then the interviewer replied are you aware of sqlcacheDependency and with some webconfig settings we can reflect the updated values in our application

10)When you are working with large volumes of data what are the steps do you take to improve the Query performance and how you know that your query is optimized and it results with correct data

Ans I told what are the Columns required for Result set i will write those Columns in my select query

The Interviewer asked then

I replied Creating Indexes and then I said that's it . than the interviewer replied what about Execution plans ?

There ends the Interview....

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Author: Sridhar Thota15 Jun 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 7

2)What is boxing and Unboxing?
*Converting value type to reference type is
*It is implicit type casting.
*Ex- int i=10;
object x=i;
*Converting reference type to value type is
*It is explicit type casting.
*Ex- object x=10;
int i=(int)x;

6)what are the three different state modes in
There are different session modes
1.Inproc Session:
Session maintained in the website process is
called Inproc Session.
Restarting website will erase the session.
2.State server session:
Session maintained out side the website in the
state server is called state server session.
Restarting state server will erase the session.
3.Sql server session:
Session maintained out side the website in the
Sql server database is called sql server session.
Session is maintained until we delete from the
database table.

9.Sql cache dependency concept?
SqlCacheDependency dependency = new
Cache.Insert("Messages", dtMessages,


Sridhar Thota.
DNS Member.
"Hope for the best.. Prepare for the worst.."

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