Create bootable USB pen drive

Hello All,

Here are the few steps i will tell you to follow to create bootable USB pen drive:

Step 1: Press Ctrl + R and type Diskpart
Type the following commands in diskpart cmd...
Step 2: list disk
Step 3: select disk 1
Step 4: clean
Step 5: create partition primary
Step 6: select partition 1
Step 7: format=fs ntfs quick
Step 8: active
Step 9: exit

Now you just copy your windows OS and now you can format your PC or laptop by using USB pen drive.

Hope this will help you a lot and solve your problem if your DVD writer is not working.

Article by Nirav Lalan
Regards, Nirav Lalan DNS Gold Member "If you can dream it, you can do it."

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Author: John Bhatt28 May 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Hi Nirav,

Thanks for sharing the DOS code for making USB bootable. But Windows 7 and higher versions come in ISO format while digitally downloaded and they have a official tool which can make USB bootable with few clicks.

In above process if User selects wrong disk, he might face fatal problems.

Author: Sridhar Thota28 May 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Hi Nirav.

Thanks for posting the tip of making a flash drive as bootable device.

But as am facing the problem in posting small sized article, how you made it?
As it says article too short error message for me when I tried to post small content.


DNS Member.
"Hope for the best.. Prepare for the worst.."

Author: Nirav Lalan28 May 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Hello Sridhar,

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