Moving files from one folder to another

This article explain about how to Moving files from one folder to another with the code snippet in simple way.

The following c# code shows how to move all the files in one folder to another. The program can be customized to move selected files too

DirectoryInfo dir1= new DirectoryInfo("F:Folder1");
DirectoryInfo dir2 = new DirectoryInfo("F:Folder2");

FileInfo[] Folder1Files = dir1.GetFiles();
if(Folder1Files.Length > 0)
foreach(FileInfo aFile in Folder1Files)
if(File.Exists("F:Folder2" + aFile.Name))
File.Delete("F:Folder2" + aFile.Name);
aFile.MoveTo("F:Folder2" + aFile.Name);


Author: Kapil Dhawan17 Jun 2008 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Nice piece of code
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
I hope to see more good code from your side
This code will help lots of guys
Thanks to you

Author: revathy14 Jul 2009 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 1

I am getting the below error in the line
FileInfo[] Folder1Files = dir1.GetFiles();
{"Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.\r\n" }
Please help me to resolve this.

Author: revathy14 Jul 2009 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

Thanks a lot.YOur code is very simple and superb.
Its working fine.

Guest Author: Ajay24 Aug 2012

Simple Superb ......nice !!!

Guest Author: Chaitanya11 Sep 2013

Really good article

Guest Author: Flip12 Feb 2014

Dear kapil....
Greetings, your code is very simple and worth but i have complexity that how to select a particular file or group of files (to be specific images) to transfer from one folder to another.
Please Contribute....
Thanks in Advance.


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