Important differences in .net programming for beginners
In this article am going to list out the important differences in .net programming.
Like dispose and finalize, constructor and destructor, abstract class and interface, string and stringbuilder, virtual method and abstract method, encapsulation and abstraction etc.
In this article am going to list out various differences which we come across in .net programming.
This article is mainly useful for beginners who have confusion on various terminologies present in dot net programming.
1.Difference between dispose and finalize?
*Dispose method is called explicitly by the developer through IDisposible interface to remove object forcefully.
*It is used to clear unmanaged resources means which are not in control of CLR.
*Finalize method is called implicitly called by garbage collector to remove object which is not in use.
*It is used to clear managed resources means which are under control of CLR.
2.Difference between value type and reference type?
Value type:
*Value type contains data directly.
*There is no default vale assigned.
*Stored in stack at compile time.
*Ex- predefined data types,enums etc.
Reference type:
*Reference type contains address not data.
*Default value is assigned.
*Stored in heap at run time.
*Ex- classes,arrays,objects etc.
3.Difference between boxing and unboxing?
*Converting value type to reference type is boxing.
*It is implicit type casting.
*Ex- int i=10;
object x=i;
*Converting reference type to value type is unboxing.
*It is explicit type casting.
*Ex- object x=10;
int i=(int)x;
4.Difference between constructor and destructor?
*It is a method executed automatically when we create an object.
*Constructor name must be same as class name.
*Constructors are overloadable and does not have return type.
*It is a method executed automatically when object is destroyed.
*Destructor name must be same as class name.
*Destructors are not overloadable and does not have return type.
5.Difference between string and stringbuilder?
*String is said to be immutable because we cannot change after string object is once created.
*If we try to change the value of string object, another new string object is created with modified value.
*Every time we change value a new object is created.
*Stringbuilder is said to be mutable because we can change value after object is created.
*Changing the value will not create new object instead existing value is modified.
*Every time we change value a new object is not created.
6.Difference between overloading and overriding?
*Having same name for two or more methods with different arguments is called overloading.
*It is also called as early binding.
*Having same name for methods in base class and derived class with same arguments is called overriding.
*It is also called as late binding.
7.Difference between stream reader and stream writer?
*This is used to read data from files.
*It has following methods
*This is used to write data in to files.
*It has following methods
8.Difference between encapsulation and abstraction?
*Writing all members and member functions together which is also called as data binding is called encapsulation.
*Hiding the data which is hiding complexity with the help of access modifiers is called abstraction.
9.Difference between abstract class and interface?
Abstract class:
*Abstract class can contain both abstract methods and non abstract methods.
*If a class contains at least one abstract method then that class must be declared as abstract class.
*Abstract class can inherit from another abstract class and can inherit from more than one interface.
*Abstract methods must be implemented in derived class.
*Object cannot be created for abstract classes, reference can be created.
public abstract class myabstract: IA, IB //IA and IB are two interfaces
public abstract viod m1(); //abstract method
public void m2() //non abstract method
//some logic
*Interface contain only abstract methods, which are public abstract by default.
*Interface can implement another interface but cannot implement abstract class.
*Object cannot be created for interface, reference can be created.
public interface ISample:IMysample
void mymethod();
void mymethod2();
10.Difference between Abstract method and virtual method?
Abstract method:
*When a class contains at least one abstract method then class must be declared as abstract class.
*Abstract method does not have body.
*Abstract methods should and must be overridden in derived class.
*Implementation of abstract methods must be provided in derived class.
Virtual method:
*A class can contain virtual method.
*Virtual method contains body.
*When we inherit a class that contain virtual method, we can override that method or we can change the logic of virtual method in derived class.
Difference between call by value and call by reference?
Call by Value:
1.When formal arguments are modified and that modifications are not affected on actual arguments is called call by value.
2.By default all variables we use are passed by value.
Call by Reference:
1.When formal arguments are modified and that reflects actual arguments is called call by reference.
2.Ref keyword should be used with actual and formal arguments.
Difference between Web.Config and Machine.Config?
1.Web.Config provides website level settings.
2.It should be created by developers.
3.We can have more than one Web.Config files.
1.Machine.Config provides webserver level settings which are applied to all websites.
2.It will get created while installing .Net software.
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