Dot net interview question and answers
Here i would like to share my interview experience which i had with the company Impelsys at banglore.They called for 3+ years experienced, and most of the questions were on oops concepts. In this article i posted questions asked by them and my answers for it.
I went in to the office at 10:45 am. I registered my details and submitted the resume.
After 2 hours they called me for 1st round i.e., technical round. The questions and my answers are here.
1.What is encapsulation? write a piece of code?
a)Writing member and member functions together, which is data binding called as encapsulation.
class empDetails
int emp_Number;
string e_Name;
double e_salary;
public void totalSalary()
//some code
2.What is abstraction?
a)Hiding the data with help of access modifiers and showing what actually needed is called abstraction.
3.What is abstract class and interface?
a)Abstarct class:
*If we want a parent class method to be overriden in all child classes, then that method need to be declared as abstract method.
*If a class contains at least one abstract method then that class need to be declared as abstract class.
*Abstract class can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods.
*Abstract class can implement more than one interface.
*Interfaces are used to implement multiple inheritance, as one class can implement more than one interface.
*Interface contains all abstract methods which are public abstract by default.
*Interface can implement another interface, but can't implement abstract class.
abstract class myClass:IA,IB
//abstract method
//non abstract method
interface IA
//abstract method
interface IB
//abstract method
here IA and IB are two interfaces.
4.When we declare a class as sealed?
a)To prevent a class from inheriting we declare that class as sealed class.
5.What is overloading and overriding?
a)Having same name for more than one method with different arguments is called method overloading.
Having same method name and same arguments in base and derived class is called method overriding.
6.Can a class inherit from more than one class?
a)No. One class cannot have more than one base class, as c# does not support multiple inheritance .
7.What is viewstate?
a)It is a client side state management technique. Viewstate stores data in html hidden fields at page level.
viewstate data is not available apart from page.
8.Explain page life cycle?
a)PreInit: Master pages and themes are set. IsPostback property is checked in this event.
Init: Every control is initialized and unique id is set.
InitComplete: This event is raised as all the initializations of page and controls are completed.
PreLoad: In this event viewstate is loaded and postback data is loaded.
Load: All values are restored and controls are loaded.
Controlevents: Events like btn_Click, tct_TextChanged.. are handled.
LoadComplete: All controls are loaded.
PreRender: If we want to make any changes to viewstate values or changes to control properties we have to do here.
SaveState: saves all changes including viewstate.
Render: actual html content is rendered as out put.
UnLoad: Resources are cleaned up.
9.What are http module and http handlers?
I said am not aware of those.
Thats it. The interviewer satisfied with my answers and they asked me to wait for manager round.
After 5 minutes they called me for manager round. She asked me questions
1.What is overloading?
I explained her.
2.What is your role in previous project?
I explained her.
3.We are planning for new programming i.e., HEX programming are you ready to learn and work on it?
I said am ready to learn new technologies, if i was give me time then am ready to work on it and i will give my best.
4.Asked about notice period?
I said official notice period is 30 days. Negotiable to 20 days
They asked me to wait. And HR came to me and said that they will get back.
After two day's i called the consultancy people who scheduled my interview and asked about result.
To my surprise she said that i am rejected. :)
DNS Member.