How to insert Excel files into PLSQL database
Here i will explain the basics steps need to follow while inserting an Excel files into a PLSQL database. This article will help when you have a large data in your excel files and you need to do some comparision or operation with the data available in plsql database.
Inserting Excel sheet in PLSQL is different from Inserting CSV file in SQL database. Here we follow the below steps-
1. Create table with the count of column same as you have in excel sheet.
2. Save the excel sheet in the location from where you can eaisly access it and don't remove the header (we usually do in case of csv sheet of CSV file).
3.Now click on tools and select ODBC Importer.
4. A window will get opened and in that window select Excel file in the first dropdown of User/SystemDSN.
5. No need to provide user anme and password.
6. click on "Connect" button. Once you will click this a dialog box will open here select the file location where you have kept your excel sheet and select it.
7. Now click on "OK", in the table/Query window All the sheet of that excel sheet will be shown select the sheet in which you have data (by default we have in sheet 1-select it).
8. Now go to "Data to oracle tab". Here write the owner name and select the table name which you have created for this excel sheet insertation.
9. Now all the fields of excel sheet will be shown in Fields sheet area. select one and match with the column name from "Field" dropdown and select their datatype from FieldType "dropdown".
11. Finally click on "Import" button which is in bottom of the window.And after successfull operation it will write number of rows that you have in excel have been inserted.