How to display multiple Model classes in a single view using ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC 4 ?
In this article , I am going to explain on displaying multiple Model classes in a single view using ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC 4 .
ViewModel is a pattern that allow us to have multiple models as a single class. It contains properties of entities exactly need to be used in a view. ViewModel should not have methods. It should be a collection of properties needed for a view.
Create two classes Student.cs and Class.cs in Models folder.
Add below code to Student.cs
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Student
public int Id { get; set; }
public string SName { get; set; }
similarly add below code to Class.cs
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Class
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CName { get; set; }
Now create another class called Repository.cs in Models folder.This class used to add data to Student.cs and Class.cs classes.Below code used in Repository.cs class.
public List
return new List
new Student () { Id = 1, SName = "Chemistry"},
new Student () { Id = 2, SName = "Physics"},
new Student () { Id = 3, SName = "Math" },
new Student () { Id = 4, SName = "Computer Science" }
public List
return new List
new Class () { Id = 1, CName = "ECE"},
new Class () { Id = 2, CName = "EEE"},
new Class () { Id = 3, CName = "CSE" },
new Class () { Id = 4, CName = "IT" }
Now create ViewModel class in Models folder.SCViewModel is the ViewModel class name.
public class SCViewModel
public List
public List
Now in Models folder we have added 4 classes i.e
Now let us go to controller.Add a controller with Controller Name as HelloWorld .Then by default we get Index Action Method.Add view to this Index() method.Let us add another method to this HelloWorld controller called ViewModelDemo() .
Repository _repository = new Repository();
public ActionResult ViewModelDemo()
SCViewModel vm = new SCViewModel();
vm.SDetails = _repository.GetStudents();
vm.CDetails = _repository.GetClasses();
return View(vm);
Now add view to this method ViewModelDemo() .In ViewModelDemo.cshtml view, add below code.
@model WebApplication3.Models.SCViewModel
ViewBag.Title = "ViewModelDemo";
< h2 >Calling ViewModelDemo method in HelloWorld Controller to display multiple Model classes in a single View < / h2>
< p style="color:green">Student Details< /p>
<table cellpadding="2" border="2" >
<th> Student Id </th>
<th> Student Name </th>
@*Iterating Course ViewModel *@
@foreach (var item in Model.SDetails)
<tr> <td>@item.Id </td> <td> @item.SName </td> </tr>
< p style="color:green">Class Details< /p>
<table cellpadding="5" border="5">
<th> Class Id </th>
<th> Class Name </th>
@foreach (var item in Model.CDetails)
<tr><td> @item.Id</td>
<td> @item.CName </td></tr>
Thus,by using above code we can easily display multiple model classes in a single view using ViewModel .