Installing MS SQLSERVER 2012 with PowerShell in 10 Min
In this resource I will explain Installing MS SQLSERVER 2012 with PowerShell .Till Now you might be aware of Installing MS SQLSERVER 2012 through UI. It may take 2 or 3 hours time to install SQLSEREVR.But now I will explain Unattended MS SQLSERVER 2012 installation with PowerShell script. Using this script we can install MS SQLSERVER 2012 in just 10 min.
First you need to copy all SQL files required for setup into D: drive and name that folder as SQL. For my demo I copied all files into "D:\SQL\Enterprise" folder. After installation you can find a automatically created folder "MSSQLSERVER" in E: DRIVE.
You need to create a folder with name " SQLUpdates " in D: drive for updates.
Please create a new .ps1 file with below script
function IsSQLInstalled
$FWcheck = Get-WmiObject win32_Product | Select Name | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "Microsoft SQL Server 2012"}
if (!($FWcheck -eq $null)) { return $true }
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Write-Host "Checking whether SQL Server 2012 installed or not..."
if (IsSQLInstalled)
Write-Host "SQL Server 2012 already installed. "
write-host " Initializing SQL Server SetUp Process. Please wait... "
write-host " Installation of Sql Server started. "
WRITE-HOST "Wait for 15 min . . . "
D:\SQL\Enterprise\X64\setup.exe /ACTION=Install /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /UpdateEnabled=1 /UpdateSource=D:\SQL\Enterprise\SQLUpdates /features="SQLEngine" "SSMS" /installshareddir="D:\SQL\Enterprise\(X64)" /InstallsharedwowDir="D:\SQL\Enterprise\(X86)" /instancedir="D:\SQL\Enterprise\(X64)" /Instancename=MSSQLSERVER /q /AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT Authority\System" /INSTALLSQLDATADIR="D:\SQL\Enterprise\(X64)" /SQLBACKUPDIR="E:\MSSQLSERVER\BACKUP" /SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Admin" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT Authority\System" /SQLTEMPDBDIR="E:\MSSQLSERVER\TEMPDB" /SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR="E:\MSSQLSERVER\LOGS" /SQLUSERDBDIR="E:\MSSQLSERVER\USERDB" /SQLUSERDBLOGDIR="E:\MSSQLSERVER\Logs" /RSSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /INDICATEPROGRESS /PID="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" |out-null
write-host "Congrats.Sql server Successfully Installed"
#For more details click on below links #
In above script IsSQLInstalled function used to check whether MS SQLSERVER 2012 installed or not. If MS SQLSERVER 2012 not installed it installs MS SQLSERVER 2012 with given features like Database Engine and SSMS. We can specify any required features in below tag
features="SQLEngine" "SSMS"
for Reporting services we can specify features="SQLEngine" "SSMS" "RS"
That's All. By using above script we can install MS SQLSERVER 2012 in any system in 5 min.
Hope this resource helps you a lot.