Technical interview in Accenture

HI.. pleasure to share the interview experience and technical question with accenture.. Really time was so hardly to cross out for result.. 1. Technical Round 2. Technical Round 3. HR Round only three rounds.. its might be useful for some of the people,who will attend interview with Accenture future.

Technical Round

1.what is Garbage collection?
2.what is delegate and type and explain?
3.Did you implemented delegate in project?
4.what is sealed class?
5.what is void?
6.can void function have return value?
7.can I use "return" variable inside the void methods? ( ans :we can use"return" key words only not with any datatype "return string_name")
8.Did even have return type?
9.what is yield?

1.what is state management?
2.what is session?
3.which one session manage type is better?
4.what is cache and type? your project page cache is use? and fragment cache is use? what cache you are using in your application any why ?
6.Data cache?
7.write piece of code for Data cache?
8.Did session use cookies and why? if cookies was disable in browser what happen?

1.why we are going for WCF major reason?
2.why we are going for TCP binding?
3.Different between basic binding and ws*binding?
4.what are instance modes available?
5.what is throttling in WCF?
6.I am using Java project,we need to communication with that project?which binding is better.(Tell your answer clearly they shoot the questions from that.. :)
7.can able to control the browser request in WCF?
8.what are contract available?
9.can overloading method in WCF?
10.what is service contract? can you explain some other feature of that?

1.what is WPF?
2.What is XAML?
3.can you tell me what is button control even in WPF?
4.why we are going for WPF?
5.what is command?

1. can you write query for get Top 7th row?
2.can you write query for 2nd max salary?
3.can writ the query for delete duplicate rows in the table base on the use name?
4.what is CTE?
5.What is cursors,any other option for that?

That all.....


Author: Pawan Awasthi29 Apr 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Hai Rathimaran,
Thanks for sharing the interview experience for Accenture company. It will helpful for those who are preparing for the interviews or just planning to change the job.
I will try to answer them in the later.

Author: Pawan Awasthi29 Apr 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Hai All,
Please find below the answers for the interview questions which are asked in the Technical round in Accenture recently.
Below are the answers for the C#:

Technical Round

1.What is Garbage collection?
Ans. Garbage collection is an utility to claim the unused memory from the heap when the heap memory doesn't have the enough space to allocate the new object.
For more details, you can go through the below link:

2. What is delegate and type and explain?
Ans. Delegate is a type or we can say the type definition which is used to reference a function or method of the class.
the delegate can contain the return type and parameters similar to the actual function or method of the class.
For more details, go to the MSDN article:

3.Did you implemented delegate in project?
Ans. Yes, there are many situations where we implement delegates like when we have the event handler to be created on the fly, we can use the delegate.
Button1.Click += delegate{ListBox1.items.Add(TextBox1.text)};
For more example, go through the MSDN link:

4.What is sealed class?
Ans. When the class provides full functionality, we can declare the class as sealed class. or if we don't want the class should not be inherited, we can declare the class as Sealed class. By making the class as Sealed, we can prevent the inheritance.
For more details,please go through the below link:

5.What is void?
Ans. void is the return type which can be used with the class members like with the functions.
If the return type is void, the method won't return anything.

6.can void function have return value?
And. No, the void function doesn't have the return value.

7.can I use "return" variable inside the void methods? ( ans :we can use"return" key words only not with any datatype "return string_name")
Ans.Yes, we can use the return keyword without anything else if the return type is void.
private void Show()

8.Did even have return type?
Ans. Didn't understand the question.

9.What is yield?
Ans. Yield is the new type which is introduced with the .net 2.0 or with Visual Studio 2005. Its like iterator which gives the value when its needed.
Below link will give more detailed explanation with the examples:

Author: Rathimaran29 Apr 2014 Member Level: Silver   Points : 0

Hi Pawan Awasthi,

Thanks for your appreciate... :)

Nice collections answer for my questions.. its really useful for future developer who are all going for interviews..

Author: Pawan Awasthi21 May 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

As per the continuation of the Answers for the Interview questions asked in Accenture, Below are the answers for the ASP.Net related questions:
1.What is state management?
Ans. Maintaining the state of the client through server is called as state management.
Now why state Management?
As we know that web is stateless. So if any thing happens to the server, our page gets flush-out and it cant maintain any data in it during the postback.
So to maintain the data, we need state management techniques. There are 2 types of state management techniques:
1. Client side- Cookies, Query string etc
2. Server Side- Session, Application, Cache,profile etc

2.What is Session?
Ans. Session is one of the server side state management techniques where the a unique client id gets generated for the first request from the client and maintained during the session with the server. Each tie the request sends to the server with the session id, the server checked if the session id is live,it respond back to h client with the the required details.
There are 2 types of sessions:
1. InProc session: When the session is stored in the process memory of the browser, the session is called as the Inproc session.In this session, when the browser is closed, the session data gets vanished.

2. OutProc Session: When the session is maintained out of the process memory of the browser, it is called as OutProc session. In this case, the session is maintained outside in a separate server so that if the browser is closed, then also session will be maintained.
There are 2 types of OutProc session data can be maintained:
A. In State server- This is separate server where the session data is maintained.
B. In SQL server- Session data can also be maintained in Sql Server database so that it will be available all the time and will be persistent.

3. Which one session manage type is better?
Ans. We cant say that which is better.Its all depends on the requirement and based on the requirements,we need to implement it.

4.what is cache and type?
Ans. Keeping frequently accessed data and maintaining it in separate storage is called as Cache. There are 3 types of caching:
1. Page output Caching
2. Data Caching
3. Fragment Caching

5.In your project page cache is use? and fragment cache is use? what cache you are using in your application any why ?
Ans. If we want to cache the user controls data, we can use fragment caching. it will not cache the whole page, instead it will cache only the user control data which is accessed frequently.

6.Data cache?
Ans. To cache the Data floating between the requests, can be cached using data caching.

7. Write piece of code for Data cache?
Ans. The definition for data caching is :
/* key */
/* value */
/* dependencies */
/* absoluteExpiration */
/* slidingExpiration */
/* priority */
/* onRemoveCallback */
e.g. HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("Key", Customers, null,Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);

8.Did session use cookies and why? if cookies was disable in browser what happen?
Ans. yes, Session uses cookies to store the Session Identifier value. This value is used for each request which is sending from client to server.
But we can make the Cookie less sessions as well.
Hope it will be helpful to you.

Author: Prasad kulkarni22 May 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Thanks for posting such a nice experience Rathimaran, it will really help all members to growup their knowledge
Thanks to Pawan to clear answer of your questions, you both are rocking guys

Author: Pawan Awasthi22 May 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Hai Guys,
As per the continuation of the answers for the interview questions asked in Accenture, I am providing below the WCF questions answers:
1.why we are going for WCF major reason?
Ans. WCF = Web Service + Remoting + MSMQ + COM+
It means if you are creating a WCF service,you can use it in place of Web Service, Remoting, MSMQ or COM+ to interact with the server to serve the requests.
Due to that reason,we are going to WCF WCF service can support and serve the request frommultipletype of clients.
2.why we are going for TCP binding?
Ans. TCP binding is used for the intranet type of requests. WCF service can serve and fulfill the request comes from TCP connection. To fulfill this, we need to create a TCP client which needs the TCP binding in it. While defining the Endpoint, we need to use the TCP binding.

3.Different between basic binding and ws*binding?
Ans. Basic HTTP binding is simply the Web Service which is not having the security features. WS* contains the security in it.The security can be of type Message Level or transport level.

4.what are instance modes available?
Ans.There are 3 Instance Modes are available in WCF service:
a. Per Call
b. Per Session
c. Singleton

5.what is throttling in WCF?
Ans. Throttling is a way to restrict the number of concurrent calls of the requests so that the service performance should not be degraded.
We can set the Maximum number of the concurrent connections, sessions and instances.

6.I am using Java project,we need to communication with that project?which binding is better.(Tell your answer clearly they shoot the questions from that.. :)
Ans. Basic Http or WSHttp binding can be used where SOAP will be used for the message format.

7.can able to control the browser request in WCF?
Ans. Using Throttling.

8.what are contract available?
Ans. There are 5 contracts available:
A. Service Contract
B. Operation Contract
C. Data Contract
D. Message Contract
E. Fault Contract

9.can overloading method in WCF?
Ans. Yes, Overloaded operations can be possible in WCF. We can use the Name attribute to distinguish the methods which are overloaded methods.

10.what is service contract? can you explain some other feature of that?
Ans. Service Contract mainly describes the operations which are used in the service or exposed by the service.
Service Operations are also provides the callback functions where the response can also be handled by the client.

Hope it will be helpful to you.

Author: naveensanagasetti30 Jul 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

4) what is sealed class?
A) To stop overriding from one class information to another in that case we go for sealed class. By default all classes behave like sealed classes. But due to Abstraction/ Virtual we can able to inherited the parent class information.
1) what is state management?
A) Web is stateless because of HTTP, to maintain the status of the page then introduces the concept called as Statemanagement. During this we can able to maintain the state of controls.
2) what is session?
A) When new user makes a request then session object will create. Session will store any type of data.

Guest Author: shivapriya19 Mar 2015

@ Rathimaran :Hi Rathimaran ...Thanks for posting ur experience much years experience u were when you are joining accenture..

Author: Rathimaran16 Apr 2015 Member Level: Silver   Points : 0

@shivapriya :HI shivapriya i am having 4+ years and currently stick with C@P

Author: Sridhar Thota17 Apr 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

2.Can you write query for 2nd max salary?
select TOP 1 salary
(select DISTINCT top 2 salary
FROM tbl_emp order by salary desc)a
order by salary

This gives the second highest salary from given table.

9.Can we overload methods in wcf?
A)Yes. We can.

public interface IService
void mymethod();

void mymethod();

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