What is NoSQL Technology?

We have heard a lot about the term NO SQL. But do we know what NO SQL is? Do we know how it works? Do we know NO SQL means NO SQL? or do we have something to query. All your queries will be answered below.


Meaning of NoSQL

-Limitations of RDBMS

-Specific Scenarios where NoSQL can be used

-CAP Theorem

-NoSQL Database Categories

-Where NoSQL can be used?

-Where not to use NoSQL?

NoSQL : The Name

"No SQL" ? Don't use SQL language

"NoSQL" = "Not Only SQL"

"SQL" = Traditional relational DBMS

"NoSQL" = "No SQL" = Not using traditional relational DBMS

BASE characteristics of NoSQL DBs

-Sacrifices Consistency (CAP)

-Basically Available

-Soft State

-Eventual consistency

NoSQL Common Traits


-Schema free

-Eventual Consistency

-Open source

-Developed at big internet companies

Querying NoSQL Databases

-Typically no query language

-Instead create procedural program

-Sometimes SQL kind of language is provided/supported

Would we still require DBAs with NoSQL ?

-Still need to address
-Backups & recovery
-Capacity planning
-Performance monitoring
-Database level Tuning & optimization

What happens when things don't work at at Night ?

Whom will you call ?

DBA and Sys Admin need to be on board

Examples where NoSQL can be used ?

Big Data
- Consistency not an issue
- Fast reads are very important
Product Catalogue
Social Data
- Logs
- Automobile directions
- User Reviews

Where not to use NoSQL

Business systems require atomic transactions

- Can't process an order without decrementing Inventory

- You can't register a credit without it's corresponding

No exceptions, no excuses

Below a certain threshold of concurrent usage,
NoSQL may be slower than relational


-Line of Business -> Relational
-Large, public (Consumer) facing sites -> NoSQL
-Complex Data Structures -> Relational
-Big Data -> NoSQL
-Transactional -> Relational
-Content Management ->NoSQL
Enterprise -> Relational
Consumer Web -> NoSQL


Author: Ritesh07 May 2014 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

gr8... Nice info....

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