My Interview Experience in SourceHOV?
This is Naveen, recently I plan to shift my job for that I just depend upon my talent then it's give me one success path to improve my career. Here, I give detailed structure how to approach and how to attend the interviews and how to clear the interviews etc..
This is Naveen, recently I plan to shift my job for that I just depend upon my talent then it's give me one success path to improve my career path. Here, I give detailed structure how to approach and how to attend the interviews and how to clear the interviews etc..How to Prepare Resume:
I think few of them are suffer to prepare resume, while prepare resume you just remind one thing. Don't copy resume format from others resume (or) don't ask anybody to prepare your Resume format. Why because if you are not involved while prepare your resume then there might be no.of blunder mistakes in that format. So, my suggestion is better to prepare your resume by your own and provide your skills and total information about you and your career and your work experience and your project. If you have any achievements then provide those details. Don't give silly achievements, that will irritate interviewer while read your resume. How to Explore Resume to HR:
Once prepare Resume I just post my resume to job portals for that I just refer naukri, while register in naukri you just provide all your details based on your details HR's can able to view your Resume. If your profile has been matches there requirement then they may approach you through mail or directly they contact you. If you are Ok for that then they process you for interview process.How to prepare for Interview:
Before attend the interview you must and should prepare well. All of them are thinking that no need to prepare for interview, you just tell whatever you did on your current company. But that's not correct, why because we can't imagine the interviewer way of thinking. If he is expecting our current role and activity then there is no problem but if they are expecting their current requirement in that case you failed. So, prepare well while attend the interview. When I attend the interview, initially I'm not clear first round also. Why because I'm not prepare well then after some time I realize myself and gather all the questions whatever they ask in my previous interview, I just gather all the questions and I just prepare one note for all those and prepare well, then I attend the interview.Questions I'm facing while attend the interview:
1) What is Abstract Class and when we use that?
2) What is virtual class and when we use that?
3) What is the difference between Abstract and Virtual classes in OOP's?
4) What is interface class and when we use that, why C# won't support multiple inheritances?
5) Difference between Abstract class and interface class?
6) What is static class?
7) What is oops?
8) What is sealed keyword?
9) Overloading in oops?
10) Overriding in oops?
11) Difference between struct and class?
12) Constructor?
13) Destructor?.NET Framework:
1) Architecture of .NET Framework?
2) Architecture of CLR?
3) What is CLR?
4) What is CTS?
5) What is CLS?
6) MSIL?
7) What is JIT Compiler?
8) Page life cycle?
9) Difference between web.config and global.asax?State Management:
1) What is session?
2) Where the session data will be stored?
3) What are the advantages using session?
4) Drawbacks using session?
5) By default where the session objects will get stored?
6) Where does session object will stored if cookie is disabled in client machine?
7) What are session events?
8) How you can disable session state?
9) What is view state?
10) Where the view state data will be stored?
11) Advantages using view state?
12) Disadvantages using View state?
13) How to enable / Disable ViewState?
14) What is Cookie?
15) Where the Cookie data will be stored?
16) Advantages using Cookie?
17) Disadvantages using Cookie?
18) Cookie Limitations?
19) What is Caching?
20) Types of Caching?
21) Can we cache total page data?
1) Difference between DataSet and DataReader?
2) What is DataAdapter?
3) What is DataView?
4) What is Execute Reader?
5) What is Execute Scalar?
6) What is Execute NonQuery?
7) Difference between Server.Transfer, Server.Execute and Response.Redirect in
8) How to restrict particular person to open any form in our application?
9) Boxing and unboxing?
10) What is value type and what is Reference Type?
11) Difference between value type and reference type in
12) What is userControls in
13) Difference between Custom controls and User Controls in
14) What is Assembly?
15) What are the different types of Assemblies in
16) What is GAC?
17) Where the Physical Assembly will get stored in a project?
18) What is Satellite Assembly?
19) Different types of Navigation controls in
20) What is Exception Handling, How you define that in your project?
21) What is the difference between Using statement and Try, Catch blocks?
1) How to assign null value to object using C#?
2) Difference between string and stringBuilder?
3) Delegates in C#?
4) Difference between Convert.Tostring() and .Tostring() in C#?
5) Difference between Var and Dynamic types?
6) What is Generics in C#?
7) Different Types of Generics in C#?
8) Difference between Array and ArrayList in C#?SQL Servers:
1) What are Indexes and different types of Indexes in SQL Server?
2) Difference between Stored Procedure and Functions in SQL Server?
3) Triggers in SQL Server?
4) Joins in SQL?
5) Types of joins?
6) Remove Duplicate Records from a table?
7) Display the employee name repeated more than once in a table?
8) Difference between delete and truncate in sql server?Web Services:
1) Exceptions in WebServices?
2) How can you prevent your Web services from unauthorized access?
3) Explain the concept of Web services in brief.
4) Does a Web service have state?AJAX:
1) What are the Advantages using AJAX Controls?
2) What is UpdatePanel when we use that?My interview Experience in SourceHOV:
Once I gather all the questions then I prepare all the question then one day I saw one post in naukri there is an opening in SourceHOV, that Is walk-in on Saturday. But I plan to go to my native on Saturday, that's way I just reply to that mail and request them to process the interview on Friday itself. They are agreeing with that and they process the interview. Initially they conduct one technical round in that they ask whatever I mentioned in above. I answered all most all questions raised by interviewer, then they satisfied my interview performance and then they process for second level of interview. In second round of interview 2 people take care that interview process and they ask no.of questions and sometimes they ask me to write code. I clear all the questions raised by interviewer then after they discuss with HR about my interview process and then HR Concluded that you just come by Monday for final discussion. I said ok for that, what I'm thinking final discussion in the sense they ask about package related issues. But they conduct one more round that is Stress round, then after he ask me about my CTC and ECTC, I just tell to him my CTC and ECTC then he raise one issue. If I give this much you are ok for that? Like that he raise one issue. I said no, based on my experience and based on my knowledge I'm expecting minimum package only like that I gave reply, then he discuss with HR for 5 minutes then HR will offer me one final package and they said we give you senior System Analyst position and based on your contribution we give better hike while give Appraisal like that they said. I said Ok for that, then ask to submit my documents on Tuesday then we give you offer by hand on Tuesday itself like that they said. I said ok, and then on Tuesday I went to there and submit my all documents then they give me offer and they ask me to join on 5th of April.Conclusion:
Don't Love your company.! company may or maynot love's you. If you love your work then you got ample oppportunities to built your career in success root.