Send and Receive SMS from Computers
As explained in this article AT command, which you may have checked out while the configuration a modem in good old DOS days, are good enough to send and receive massage using your mobile phone. Your mobile phone act as serial or USB modem when connected to PC using a serial of USB data cable
I am sure all of you are aware of short message service better known by its acronym SMS. Mobile phone users find it convenient in informing their friends and acquaintances through a simple text massage, without actually making a phone. SMS find wide application in the modern day communication technologies.
While it is common to use SMS with the mobile phone we can use send SMS using all forms of computers. SMS is in fact a type of an Instant Massage (IM) type of communication services and it enables users to exchange massage in real time with the users.
Users can use this technology and communication with each other using a computer, wireless device, cell phone, PDA. They can also use combination of these devices to communicate. Cell phone users can use the SMS to sent short massage to other cell phones. Objective
The SMS we receive from a mobile phone can be viewed using PC, to achieve this mobile phone most be connected to PC running with window9x. The mobile must be connected to PC by a serial cable or by an USB cable and the PC.
I am demonstrating the power of PC based SMS, using Visual basic 6.0. Hence it is desirable that you have to VB6 compiler on your PC.
The SMS can be sent and received using a PC by using AT command .with the help of this command the battery level, Memory level Mobile identification number, Serial number, Network Identification
Giving AT+CMGL, the massage from the inbox of mobile phone will be listed
Also check whether the mobile phone is connected to PC in correct manner Program
In Visual Basic 6.0, open a standard project also, select Microsoft communication Control6.0 from component menu and also arrange textbox and command button as listed in the form as seen code
Dim cmd
Private sub cmdsent_click()
Cmd= cmd & text1.text&"" ,129
Ms.output= cmd&chr(13)
Ms.output=text2.text & vbCrlf
End sub
Private sub cmdview_click()
On error resume next
Ms.portopen= true
Ms.setting ="2400,n,8,1"
Ms.output="at+cmgr=1" & vbCr
Text3.text=text1.text &buf
Loop until (Instr(text3,text,"OK"))>0 or (Instr(text3,text,"ERROR"))>0 ms.portopen=false
End sub
Private sub form_load()
Ms. commport=1
Ms . portopen =True
Ms.setting ="2400, n, 8, 1"
Ms.output="at+cmgr=1" & vbCr
Ms. oprtopen = false
End sub
Now you need to execute code . Port 1 is assigned when the form is load. By clicking the view code button we can list the SMS from the inbox of mobile.
With the help of AT commands we can get MobileRevisionNumber, MobileIdenticationNumber, PhoneBookEntry, Memory Status Battery level Outbox, Inbox etc.
Using this sample code of piece you can send and receive SMS from the computer and most importantly we also do not need any internet connection