How to earn more Points and Revenue share cash credit by posting articles

In this article i can explain How to earn more Points and Revenue share by posting articles in Dotenetspider resource section. I have seen many member who post articles on DNS but unable to collect many points. This article will help you make your article popular and search engine friendly


Welcome to Dotnetspider, is an independently operated, online .NET tutorials and guide for the latest Microsoft technologies. As we know provides an opportunity for members to earn some money while spending their time in this website
we can Earn cash credits and points for posting resources and articles on various topics.
DotnetSpider started 'revenue sharing program' in 2010, under which, good quality articles/resources are appreciated with cash credit and points.
Now the question is how to write an articles that can earn more cash credit and points ?

Earn more cash credit and points on your resources submission

No doubt, Quality contents is the first measure of the article. Beside there are lot of things that will affect to your resource submission. You can increase your quality of resource simply by following small things
we will see them in details as below

Steps to Follow

1. Summary is the backbone of your article. Title and Summary field is very important for search engine optimization. When we search any topic on search engine like Google, after pressing submit button we can see summary is printed below each like
When you submit your article in resource section, The summary should be at least 2 sentences. Basically, summary should tell us about the article in minimum words.
To writing a good summary we can start it with 'In this article, I will explain' or 'I have explained about'. Summary should be meaningful and in complete sentences
2. Your article should simply readable. You can decorate your article with the help of HTML headings Tag say from <H1> to <H6> and more tag like <a>, <I>, <Img> etc.
3. When we say, our post should be readable means it has good indentation and paragraph and spacing between lines
4. English Spell and Grammar is the most important thing in our article, before posting article in Dotnetspider do not forget to paste it in word file, and try to search your spell mistakes if any. A article with bad spell will down your article reputation or it may get Rejected.
5. Take proper use of Use comma, semi colon, Period, Question mark wherever necessary.
6. Your content is the treasure for Dotnetspider, you should post a high valued and technical posts that are useful to all members of this site
7. 'Title' the heart of your article, most of the people open your article by reading title, The title makes your article an attractive and meaningful. The title should reflect your article. it should be 8 to 15 characters.
8. Include image with small size, large size images may take time to load page and your article popularity may be goes down, A simple rule if you are the owner of the picture and it is relevant at the point in article, you can post it.
9. Keep each paragraph with 5 to 20 sentences and good paragraph heading
10. Dotnetspider accept input for Tags, they are used to add relevant keywords to various posts in this site. Add tags that are related to your post

How to Keep search engine happy

No of Hits on your web page from various site make your web page popular. Now if the no of incoming links to your page is more than your page is important in search engine view and if search engine is happy your page will always happy and popular
so the following steps are help you to make your article optimized for search engine ranking
- Search engine can read text but not images so while writing articles we need to Focus on text rather than images. (we know images are better explanatory than text but it will now more optimized)
- While creating title for your article, if you can embed the commonly searched terms/phrases (related to the content) in your title, then surely that will make a huge difference or search engine. You can include some popular keywords like "How ", "What ", "When" etc in the title, if applicable
- Do not copy content from any other website though it is your previously posted contents, it may raise Duplicate Content issues with Search Engines, basically they are smart enough to detect the original contents and it will give some negative marks to the copied sites.
- Add a relevant Keywords in your Title, Summary, and Description. A keyword is a single word or phrase that is the primary logic of searching, with its help you can tell Google and other search engines that your post is about a specific keyword.
- You can make keyword BOLD to fetch a traffic
- Use keywords in the headings to optimize it for search engines

Following are the list of bad practices that can leads to Rejection of your articles, we can call it as 'Hall Of Shame'

Hall of shame article posts.

- Reproducing contents from any other sites and including it in your article.
- Adding number of question mark after end of the question e.g. 'What is IpAddress ????????? '
- Adding number of period signs between paragraphs or words e.g. ' are you friend.....technical post'
- Do not add <Br/> tag in article.
- Posting External links and contents that are not related to any technology or Dotnetspider site.
- Posting content for the purpose of promoting other sites.
- Make all your content in Capital. (Sometimes I have seen if the post is urgent then the people use Capital words, Capital letters on internet means 'Shouting' words)
- A articles with 30 sentences can be Rejected small size of contents.
- Use of keyword multiple times at irrelevant place can make your article poor
- Use of spam keywords/misleading keywords is not allowed
- Use Hotlinking to image or any documents/contents in your article is strictly prohibited

Keep posting and Keep gaining more awards


Author: naveensanagasetti16 Oct 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 5

Hi Prasad,

Nice Article This was very helpful for me when i post Resources. But here i have small doubt if possible please clear that, how to decorate our article looking simply and nice.

1) For example in code part i need to show what are the styles available in MicroSoft same style i need to show in my article also how to do this.

EX: Public -- blue color
DataSet -- Light Green etc..

2) My self prepare Project properly and that was nice but after post Resource I'm unable to get max point due to poor quality. For proejct we follow some paragraphs similarrly if we wrote Resoures also is there any paragraphs to be included to get max points.

Please clear my doubts or else give me one good and sample article link for understansding purpose that was very helpful for me.

Author: Prasad kulkarni17 Oct 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Check for the below article by one of the DNS member, she has explain how to decorate an article to get max points see below link
Additionally you need to concentrate on SEO things and you should follow all rules that help us to get the search engine optimization things.
hope it helps

Author: Phagu Mahato04 Nov 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

First of all Thank you Prasad for posting a valuable article with title "How to earn more Points and Revenue share cash credit by posting articles " and another thanks to our newbie diamond member naveensanagasetti . This is because , With the help of articles and its response , we can easily understand about posting articles tips.

Author: adeyeye michael21 Feb 2014 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 2

This is a very good resource as it seek to enlighten members against copying contents fro m other sources to this site. It also show members how to earn on this site by posting quality resources to the site.

Author: Sridhar Thota09 May 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

Hi Naveen Sanagasetti.

Me too want to show the code block as it is in the Microsoft style.
Like the keywords using, if, else, public and return I want in blue color.
Class names dataset, sqlcommand and sqlconnection I want in skyblue.
So I applied font tags with color property for each of them.
Finally I achieved what I need to display like.
Following is the article in which I applied those. You can see.


DNS Member.
"Hope for the best.. Prepare for the worst.."

Author: Sridhar Thota18 May 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

Hi Prasad.

Thanks for posting the do's and dont's while posting the article.
And well explained about usage of grammar, English, comma and headings.

One of my recent article unable to score good points even I followed everything like headings, grammar and punctuation.

Below is my article link which didn't score points as expected.


DNS Member.
"Hope for the best.. Prepare for the worst.."

Author: Nirav Lalan03 Jun 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Hello Prasad,

Thanks a lot for this article which help us to do and don't do while posting an article.

Sridhar you written very well article. It helped a lot.

Author: rajesh18 Dec 2015 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

Good explanation

Author: Bharati Kore14 Apr 2016 Member Level: Silver   Points : 0

Hi Prasad,

Thanks for posting your views about posting an article.
I would appreciate your efforts.Going forward will definitely implement these points.

Author: srirama28 Jun 2016 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Very Nice article posted by the author some extra points add a screen shot of output results or important things that will tell the gen-unity of the article. So these things need to follow everybody.

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