Tools for maintenance of windows
The steps below are provided to help ensure that your computer operates effectively and securely. You can do it by yourself, if you need more information about any of the points mentioned below, you can make a search on the internet and follow the steps. On the other hand, more detailed, assistance may be obtained by consulting a qualified computer repair professional.
Maintenance of windows
The steps below are provided to help ensure that your computer operates effectively and securely. You can do it by yourself, if you need more information about any of the points mentioned below, you can make a search on the internet and follow the steps. On the other hand, more detailed, assistance may be obtained by consulting a qualified computer repair professional.
Create System Restore Point.
Creating a system restore point, will enable restore of windows to an earlier time and recovery from any error that may occur during maintenance.
Delete unnecessary files or programs.
Regular or daily empty of Recycle Bin and delete Windows temporary files. Uninstall programs that you no longer use.
Regular Run of defragment tool
This will make the computer run faster and will help windows to find files rapidly
Regular updates of your operating system
Make sure that your operating system and software applications are updated. Ensure that your anti-virus/ software are running and receiving automatic updates
Regular backups of your files
Keep on regular backup to ensure they are operating properly.
Change your passwords routinely.
Keep on routine change of your passwords for e-mails and website login