Cloud Computing a small review

Here in Cloud Computing article, I am describing few words about cloud computing In the innovative world of IT most popular speaking term is "Cloud computing". We are considering this term as a revolutionary history of the world of internet. Even within the span of time, the personal system surely may vanish within our desktop. I am trying to give some introduction for cloud computing system through this article.

Cloud Computing

In the innovative world of IT most popular speaking term is "Cloud computing". We are considering this term as a revolutionary history of the world of internet. Even within the span of time, the personal system surely may vanish within our desktop. I am trying to give some introduction for cloud computing system through this article.

Distributed computing and cloud computing

Distributed computing just means I break up a problem so that I can have a whole bunch of computers work on it at the same time
Simply speaking, bunch of computer was connected with computer network for doing a common task. These computers are in a web or private network. In distributed computing, the task will be assigning to the participating computers and these are working for particular computer task or for other programs. The resources, memory and hardware of the connected computers are shared with other computers. These are controlled by a control node, so that it will increase the performance of the computers and will work like a super computer. Distributed computing is also known as grid computing. Distributed system needs an interface to work.
Distributed computing involves dividing a large problem into smaller slices and having multiple networked computers process the slices.

Cloud computing is originated from the idea of distributed system. It just refers to providing a service via the internet. It is a type of distributed computing and is not well defined.
Usually in a computer operating system software and other applications are installed for the working of a user. Particular application suites are installing for each user. This will cause financial expenses.

In cloud computing instead of doing like this, install these application suites inside one computer (usually web server) and with the use of one web based interface service, it is allowing the user to access.
Using cloud computing users can reduce the expense of hardware and software. The user needs only an interface.

Using this type of computing process it is very easy to do the complex tasks like email, data processing etc. This is called cloud computing. Simply speaking using cloud computing is as simple as handling an email account. For handling an email account the user doesn't needs to install any software in his computer, except interface. Gmail and Google Docs form a sort of cloud computing.
In short, Cloud computing means you develop/run your software remotely on remote platform. This can be using remote virtual infrastructure, remote platform or remote application.

Cloud computing is working According to 3 important concepts

• Infrastructure as Service (IaaS)
• Platform as Service (PaaS)
• Software as Service (SaaS)

Infrastructure as service(IaaS)

It is providing the basic things for cloud computing, like hardware, operating system etc.

Platform as Service (PaaS)

It is providing the platform/Applications for the user. Eg: If the user wants to do in Asp.Net, then the technology based things will provide by the cloud computing system.

Software as Service (SaaS)

The software needed for the user is given for fixed time, so that user can work with the software and after that the software is uninstalling by the provided company. So we can understand that user needn't buy the software.

Could computing application is mainly of two parts. It is called Back End and Front End. It will be connected through the network. Usually the part which is used by the user is called Front End and/Client and Back End refers cloud computing web server.
Front End includes user's computer and the interface system by the cloud computing. And in back end includes servers, data storage systems, software for creating cloud etc.

Altogether we can say in cloud computing system installs from data processing to video games, software programming and many applications. Everything has different servers. But it is designed for user that with one client application he can able to receive everything from his own computer.

With the requirement of client we can able to start a server system and can able to control with traffic protocol in that. So the software used for cloud computing is known as middle ware. Like all computer system the uncontrollable number of users will block cloud computing, this may cause data lost, So All stored data in the cloud computing system will copy to the servers. This process is called redundancy (Same technology used in RAID).

Cloud computing was opened lot of opportunity for us. With the help of middle ware we can do all work do by every system.

The user can able to connect with their application with the interface connected with the internet, from anywhere and at any time.
We can reduce the expense of hardware and software in cloud computing. No need of best performance computer system. It needs only the computer system terminal. Here an output device (monitor), an input device (Keyboard, mouse), the processing power for middle ware which connects to cloud computer. Every information is storing to the cloud server.

It is facing one problem that is only the security. The stored data in the web is not 100% safe so that a possibility for hackers attack.

You can visit the demo from here ( Windows based) (Linux based)
If you are using windows based you have to install silver light through


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