Table Value Parameter (TVP) in SQL Server

This article summarize the use of Table Value Parameter (TVP) in stored procedures for DML operations. This list the advantages over the traditional way of passing multiple individual parameter as input.


Table value parameters is one of method to pass collection of rows as input to Stored procedure for processing. For using TVP in a Stored procedure, we need to create TVP as inbuilt Table type and use it in Stored procedure.

I have considered an example of inserting multiple rows of value to Existing UserDetails table.

Table Structure
User details (Username, First Name,Last Name, Email, Active) is stored in UserDetails Table and Role Information is stored in UserRole Table with Role, Begin date and Term Date

Create Table UserDetails
UserID int identity(1,1) primary key,
UserName varchar(50),
FirstName Varchar(50),
LastName Varchar(50),
Email Varchar(100),
IsActive bit)

Create Table UserRole
(UserRolePK int identity(1,1),
UserRole varchar(30),
BeginDate datetime, TermDate datetime)

Creation of TVP
User defined Table type has to be created for using the TVP as shown below

Create Type TVPUserDetails as table
UserID int,
UserName varchar(50),
FirstName Varchar(50),
LastName Varchar(50),
Email Varchar(100),
UserRole Varchar(30),
IsActive bit )

Usage of TVP in SP
TVP is used as normal table inside SP.

Insert SP

Create procedure DNS_INSUserDetails
@tvpUserDetails TVPUserDetails readonly

declare @UserID int
If not exists( Select UD.UserName from UserDetails UD, @tvpUserDetails TVPUD
where UD.UserName = TVPUD.UserName) ---(1)
Insert UserDetails (UserName, FirstName, LastName, Email, IsActive)
Select UserName, FirstName, LastName, Email, IsActive from @tvpUserDetails ---(2)

set @UserID = @@IDENTITY

Insert UserRole(UserID, UserRole, BeginDate, TermDate)
Select @UserID, UserRole, Getdate(), '2050-12-31' from @tvpUserDetails ---(3)

Note: TVP is used in 3 different places in the above code sample

  • TVP used in the Join Query to check does username already exist in the table marked (1)

  • TVP used in the Insert query of UserDetails Table marked with (2)

  • TVP used in the Insert query of UserRole Table marked with (3)

Update SP

Create procedure DNS_UPDUserDetails
@tvpUserDetails TVPUserDetails readonly

declare @UserID int
If exists( Select UD.UserName from UserDetails UD, @tvpUserDetails TVPUD
where UD.UserName = TVPUD.UserName) ---(1)
Update UserDetails
Set FirstName = TVPUD.FirstName,
LastName = TVPUD.LastName,
Email = TVPUD.Email, IsActive = TVPUD.IsActive
From @tvpUserDetails TVPUD
Where UserDetails.UserID = TVPUD.UserID ---(2)

If exists( Select UR.UserID from UserRole UR, @tvpUserDetails TVPUD
where UR.UserID = TVPUD.UserID) ---(3)
Update UserRole
TermDate = GETDATE()
From @tvpUserDetails TVPUD
Where UserRole.UserID = TVPUD.UserID ---(4)

Insert UserRole(UserID, UserRole, BeginDate, TermDate)
Select UserID, UserRole, Getdate(), '2050-12-31' from @tvpUserDetails ---(5)

Note: TVP is used in 5 different places in the above code sample(Update SP)

  • TVP is used in the Join Query to check for userID exist in 2 if statements marked with (1) and (3)

  • TVP is used in the update query of UserDetails Table with (2)

  • TVP is used in the update query of UserRole Table (Terminate old Role or record) with (4)

  • TVP is used in the Insert query of UserRole Table (New Role) marked with (5)

Execution of SP

-- Insert Query
Declare @tvpUserDetails TVPUserDetails
Insert @tvpUserDetails values(0,'Mahe','Mahe','M','','Developer',1)
Exec DNS_INSUserDetails @tvpUserDetails
-- Update Query
Declare @tvpUserDetails TVPUserDetails
Insert @tvpUserDetails values(6,'Mahe','Mahe','M','','Admin',1)
Exec DNS_UPDUserDetails @tvpUserDetails


  1. TVP feature is available on SQL Server 2008 version and above. It is not available in SQL server 2000 or SQL server 2005

  2. TVP Parameter used in the stored procedure is readonly parameter, hence CRUD operation cannot be performed on TVP param inside stored procedure itself
    Note: To overcome this limitation, we can create a temporary table inside the SP and use it for the required manipulation

  3. In order to modify the TVP like changing the datatype or adding a new column, it is required to delete the SP and recreate it.


  • Using TVP in Stored procedure (45026-64446-Using-TVP-Stored-procedure.txt)
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