Delegates and usage of Delegates
In this artical i'm trying to explain about
What is delegates ?
usage of delegates ?
types of delegates and examples of types of delegates.?
2 types of delegates are available uni cost delegates and multi cost delegates. Here we discuss about uni cost and multi cost delegates with examples.
A Delegate is a pointer to a method similar to a function pointer concept in our traditional c and cpp languages.
Delegates are used to invoking methods just like we used function pointer for invoking functions. Invoking a method using a delegate will give you faster performance than invoking a method directly because here it uses a single function stack for execution of method any number of times.
Working with delegate's.
To use a delegate we need to fallow this following process.
[<modifier>] delegate <void/type> <name> (parameter definition);
While declaring a delegate to invoke a method makes sure the I/O parameters of delegate will be same as the I/O parameters of method it wants to call.
public void add (int x ,int y)
public delegate void addnums (int x ,int y);
public string some(String str)
return "some"+str;
public delegate String something(String str);
2) A delegate also a type(return type) so to consume a delegate we need to create object of the delegate and while creating the object pass the method the delegate has to call as a parameter to its constructor.
addnums ad=new addnums(add);
something st=new something(some);
3)Now call the delegate so that the method gets executed.
Class declass
Public String sayhay(String name)
return "hay "+name;
Public delegate String saydel(String name);
Public static void Main()
declass dl = new declass();
saydel sd =new saydel(dl.saydel);
Console.WriteLine (sd("xxx"));
Console.WriteLine (sd("yyy"));
Console.WriteLine (sd("zzz"));
For calling a method in single time is not useful multiple times are useful because single stack is used then performance is increased.
Types of Delegates:
Delegates are two types.
1)Uni-cost Delegates
2)Multi –cost Delegates
If a delegate is used for invoking a single method it is refused as uni-cost delegate (or) single cost delegate where as if a delegate is used for invoking multiple methods We call it as multi-cost delegates.
If we want to call multiple methods using a single delegate all those method shared have the same I/O parameters. Because I/O parameters of the delegate should always match with I/O parameters of the method we want to call.
Note:- we can declare a delegate either with in the class as well as with in the namespace also.
Public delegate void math(int x,int y);
Class multidel
public void add(int x,int y)
Console.WriteLine ("Add:"x+y);
public void mul(int x,int y)
Console.WriteLine ("mul:"x*y);
public void sub(int x,int y)
Console.WriteLine ("sub:"x-y);
public void div(int x,int y)
Console.WriteLine ("div:"x/y);
Static void main()
multidel obj=new multidel();
math m= new math(obj.add);
Console.WriteLine ();
Console.WriteLine ();
If multiple methods are bound with a delegate a single delegate call will invoke all the method that are bound to with the delegate.
Thank Naveen for this resource Delegates and its usage . We can create custom Singlecast delegate and event
using System;
namespace Mydelegatecustom
class Program
public delegate void YourDelegate(int a);
public class Exa
public event YourDelegate Yourevent;
public void MyRaiseEvent()
Console.WriteLine("Your Event had Raised");
public void Display(int x)
Console.WriteLine("My Display Method {0}", x);
static void Main(string[] args)
Exa obj = new Exa();
obj.Yourevent += new YourDelegate(obj.Display);
Source code for creating custom Multiplecast delegate and event
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace multicastdelegatecustom
class Program
public delegate void YourDelegate(int x, int y);
public class Exa
public event YourDelegate Yourevent;
public void MyRaiseEvent(int x, int y)
Yourevent(x, y);
Console.WriteLine("Your Event had Raised");
public void Addition(int p, int q)
Console.WriteLine("Adding Method {0}", p + q);
public void Subtr(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine("Your Subtract Method {0}", p - q);
static void Main(string[] args)
Exa obj = new Exa();
obj.Yourevent += new YourDelegate(obj.Addition);
obj.Yourevent += new YourDelegate(obj.Subtr);
obj.MyRaiseEvent(30, 10);