How to change the width of crystal report design

How to change the width of crystal report design? In this article I'm going to explain how to change the crystal report design width. Here i have explained step by step process to change the width.

How to change the width of crystal report design? In this article I'm going to explain how to change the crystal report design width. Here i have explained step by step process to change the width.

Step 1:

After opening Crystal report you need to right click on that report.

Step 2:
After Right Click you will get some menus. Just click Design then printer setup.

Step 3:
After clicking Printer Setup menu one printer setup window will display.

Step 4:

Check the no printer check box true which is given begging corner.

Step 5:
Change the paper size to legal or as per your requirement and change the orientation to landscape.

finally click ok button. Now crystal reports look like big.


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