How to use Marquee Tag in an HTML Web Page.

Marquee Tag is used to create a moving text or image on your web page like the one seen on TV news scrolling. The <marquee> and </marquee> tags are used for this effect.You can also use some java script code to change the effects of this moving text or image.

The marquee and /marquee tags are used for scrolling Text or Image in a web page.

This is an example of a marquee

you can use the followinf code for the marquee tag
direction="up" align="right" width="500px" loop="3">This is the marquee text
you can also use onmouseover or onmouseout javascript functions to stop or start the scrolling.
onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() scrollamount="5" behavior="scroll">Sarfarazbhat
onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() scrollamount="5" behavior="slide">Sarfarazbhat
onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() scrollamount="5" behavior="alternate" >Sarfarazbhat

Some notable attributes of marquee tag are:

Behavior:This can be scroll, slide or alternate.
Scroll is used to move the text to the end of the page and then starts again.
Slideis used to move the text to the end of the page and then stops there.
alternate is used to move back and forth the text.
Direction:can be right or left to move the text towards right or left.
Scrollamount:is used to determine how fast or slow the text should scroll. the greater the value the fasterthe scroll.
Scrolldelay:It is the number of milliseconds to redraw the scrolling text r image.
Loop:It determines the number of times the text should scroll.
I have used
onmouseover=this.stop() and
to start or stop the scrolling if I move the mouse over the text or takes the mouse away from the text.



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