Berkadia Services, c# Interview questions for 4+ years experience

I have attended Berkadia Services, hyderabad interview in february 2013. Please find below the list of questions. Hope it will be helpful for people who are going to attend the technical interview. Interview was for C# and ASP.NET. They also asked questions in SQL SERVER along with C# and ASP.NET

I have attended Berkadia Services, hyderabad interview in february 2013. Please find below the list of questions. Hope it will be helpful for people who are going to attend the technical interview.

1. What is Group By Clause?
GROUP BY clause will group selected set of rows into a set of summary rows by the values of columns specified in group by clause. It returns one row for each group.
For ex: below query will list the average of marks scored by each student in each subject.
select studentid,subject, avg(marks)
from student
group by studentid,subject

SELECT a.City, COUNT(bea.AddressID) AS EmployeeCount
FROM Person.BusinessEntityAddress AS bea
INNER JOIN Person.Address AS a
ON bea.AddressID = a.AddressID

2.Do you have knowledge in SSIS/SSRS in SQL Server?
3.Have you ever used scheduler in SQL Server?
4. Using Indexes and its advantages.
5.SQL Profiler
6.How do you check the performance of SQL queries?

Category: C#/ASP.NET

1.How can we know the methods available in a raw dll file?
Ans: Using .Net Reflector.

2.Difference between Webservices and WCF Service.
3.How to perform authorization in
4.ASP.NET page lifecycle
5.What are HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules?

Article by Vaishali Jain
Miss. Jain Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in .Net(Windows and Web Based application development)

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Author: Pawan Awasthi03 Mar 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 10

Hai Priya Jain,
Thanks for Posting the questions asked in the Berkadia Services, Hyderabad. Hope these questions will definitely will be helpful for those who are gong to attend the interview in the same company.
Below I have tried to post the answers of these question with the hope that it will be useful for all of us:

1. What is Group By Clause?
A. Group By clause is used to group the rows, depending upon one or more values so that the group function can be applied to each group. if the 'Where' clause exists in the select statement, then Group By clause always be followed to the 'Where' clause. If in the select statement, there are non-aggregate columns, then in the Group By clause we need to add all those columns except the aggregate columns.
E.g. Display the DeptNo, Sum of Salary, Number of Employees from Emp Table:
Select DeptNo, Sum(Sal) as TotalSalary, Count(*)
From Emp
Group By DeptNo;

2.Do you have knowledge in SSIS/SSRS in SQL Server?
A. Yes, SSIS and SSRS are the component of MS-BI where the SSIS is used for the integration services like loading of data from one data base to another database with all the validations. Here we need to create the service which will run automatically to load all the data from one of the data base to another database like from oracle database to Sql Server database.
SSRS is used for reporting services where we can create different types of reports- like simple reports, cross tab reports etc.

3.Have you ever used scheduler in SQL Server?
A. Yes, We can schedule the Sql related jobs using the Scheduler. Those jobs will run as per the schedules time in the Sql Server.

4. Using Indexes and its advantages.
A. Indexes are one the database objects which are used to improve the performance of the database queries. it reduces the table scan while retrieving the data from the database and the search gets fast-
There are 2 types of indexes used in the SQL server:
a. Clustered index
b. Non clustered index
There are 3 more types of index but those comes under the above two-
a. unique index
b. Composite Index
c. XML Index-added in SQL Server 2005

5.SQL Profiler
A. Sql Profiler is a tool in the Sql Server management Studio which is mainly used to track the data from the front end. It is used to see the actual execution of the queries, stored procedure for the input data. So by using this tool, we can check all the input data which is coming from the front end or from another queries and can validate that data against the actual data. This tool is mainly used for fixing the issues related to the database.

6.How do you check the performance of SQL queries?
A. Sql Queries performance can be checked by using the Query optimization. we can check the query execution plan that how much time the query is taking to execute and then we can find-out that which part of the query is taking more time. The issue could e incorrect joins which is leading for more time to get the results. or in-proper sub-queries. By query execution plan, we can track the execution of the queries and then optimize it if required.

Category: C#/ASP.NET

1.How can we know the methods available in a raw dll file?
A: Reflection is the concept to track the dll's class, methods, properties on the fly. By using Reflection, we need not to add the dll in to the application, it will add the dll in runtime and can retrieve all the information inside the dll.
Using .Net Reflector.

2.Difference between Web services and WCF Service.
A. WCF service can be invoked by any protocol while the Web Service supports on HTTP protocol.
To make a new version of WCF service, we just need to add one more end point in the config file and there is no need to change in the code part.
If we want the create the new version of Web Service, we need to recreate the service.
WCF service are agile while web service is not.

3.How to perform authorization in
A. To perform the authorization in, we need to add the authorization tag in the Web.Config file. And then we need to allow or deny the users through this tag as below:
deny users="?"
it will deny the anonymous users.

4.ASP.NET page lifecycle.
A. ASP.Net page life cycle starts with the client requests. The request first goes to the IIS(Internet Information Services). The IIS takes the requests and then send to the utilities- InetInfor.exe and ASPNet_ISAPI.dll. These two utilities takes the request and validate for the correct requests and then filters as the directory and the web page name. Now the request further move the worker process(w3wp.exe) to check for the existing web directory and then AppDomain for the current page. If the page not found, then the request further moves to HttpPipeLine and executes via ProcessRequest method by generating its events- init, load, render, unload..etc.

5.What are HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules?
A. HttpModule and HttpHandler are two components which comes with the HttpPipeLine while moving the request to HttpPipeLine. here HttpModule is used to check the request authentication and then routing so that it should be received by the correct handler(HttpHandler) for the process and then after processing , it validates the request and then route it back to the client.
Hope it will be helpful for all of us for attending the interviews..

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