What does Error "ora-28009 connection as sys should be as sysdba or sysoper" means?

Have you come across the Error "Error ora-28009 connection as sys should be as sysdba or sysoper" while connecting to Oracle as sysdba? Here we will see what does this error means and how to resolve it.

When I was trying to connect to Oracle database from my .NET application. I was getting the following error: "error ora-28009 connection as sys should be as sysdba or sysoper".

In this article we will see how to resolve this error if you are connecting to oracle database as sys.

In the database connection string add an additional attribute "DBA Privilege" and assign it a value "SYSDBA" as follows:

Data Source=OracleServer;User Id=Username;Password=Password;
DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;

If you are using either app.config file or web.config file to specify the connection string use the code as below:

<add name="someDatabaseIdentifier" connectionString="Data Source=OracleServer;User Id=Username;Password=Password;
DBA Privilege=SYSDBA"/>

Adding an additional attribute "DBA Privilege" will connect to the oracle database and while trying to connect it will make the connection as a SYSDBA.
This allows you to connect to oracle database as SYSDBA without giving any errors.

Article by Vaishali Jain
Miss. Jain Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in .Net(Windows and Web Based application development)

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