Why it shows less space for memory devices
We all have noticed that we can not use the full space in our memory devices. It always shows less space that we are supposed to get. My article gives an explanation on this storage deduction from our memory devices.
Since long I have seen on my PC, storage devices always shows less space than its original space. The common answer I got was like this "OS takes that space for some processes and that's why the available space is less". But as time goes by I am sure all of us know the reason. But still just to have the real reason to be available in our knowledge base(DotNetSpider)I thought of explaining it.
Recently I bought a 500GB Western Digital external hard drive but when I plug it in my laptop it shows 465GB available memory space. Where is the rest 35GB?
Our operating system is a program and according to that the memory space is calculated in this way
1024 bytes = 1 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
1024 MB = 1 GB.
But the manufacturer companies calculate the memory space in the following way
1000 bytes = 1 KB
1000 KB = 1 MB
1000 MB = 1 GB
So when a hard drive company manufactures a hard drive of 500 GB then the space in bytes will be 500*1000*1000*1000 = 500000000000bytes. Now when this hard drive is connected with computer then the space is calculated by the OS. The space conversion will be
500000000000/1024 = 488281250 KB
488281250/1024 = 476837.1582 MB
476837.15820/1024 = 465.66 GB
So though the manufacturer tells the space is 500GB but the OS can only see 465GB as available memory space.
A very general discussion but still it can be helpful for those who don't know this.