Introduction to Web Services Part-I

This Article is about the introduction of web services and how web services came into existence, need of web services, history of web services from object oriented to common object model to distributed model and then web services describing the importance and drawbacks at each step

Introduction to Web Services

Web service is a small units of code which is independent of operating system and programming languages, it is designed to interact directly with other applications over the internet in other words Web Services are means for interacting with objects over the Internet.
Web services are
Language Independent
Protocol Independent
Platform Independent

Existence of Web Services:
In Object - Oriented Languages two objects used to communicate using methods
Object Oriented Model

Drawback : got limited to the same Application.

To overcome the limitation of usability of the object within the application came COM
Component Object Model (COM) : which allows to interact between two or more objects on the same computer with different applications. Which is specified in the below diagram.

Common Object Model

Drawback: if we need to access the obects which is being defined in the other computer. To overcome this came the DCOM model.

Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) which allows to interact between two or more objects within in the same network.

Distributed Object Model

Drawback : in web based application it got limited to the internet. To over come this Microsoft came up with services in internet called WEBSERVICES
web services, which allows two object to interact internet. That is it allows to interact between two object on different computers and even not within same local network

Web Services Model

Happy programming



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