TypeScript language -Guide to use practically in asp.net application

The article contain not only the definination of TypeScript.Help article to developer to create typecsript page and use that in project.so article provide the sample code also.and steps for install ,compile typescript.

What is TypeScript

TypeScript is langauge which is similar to javascript having some new features, help in application like server side application and cloud application.Typescript has features Optional static tying,module support,and use of class.

How to Use TypeScript in current application

First install TypeScriptSetup.0.8.0 on your computer.

Can be downloaded

Start to develop typscript programming in asp.net application

Create new asp.net application called--TypeScriptProject.

Add new javascript page in project and named it as Libaray.ts

and type code as following

class Libaray
constructor(public firstname,public lastname,public BookName,public DueDateRemain)
this.fullname=firstname+ " " +lastname+" "+BookName+" "+DueDateRemain;

class libDeatil
constructor(public Author,public Publisher)
this.fulldeatils=Author+ " "+Publisher

interface Person{

interface PersonDetail


function greeter(person:Person)
return "Deatils of Libarary Member:::::,"+person.firstname+" "+person.lastname+" "+person.BookName+" "+person.DueDateRemain;

function details(dt:PersonDetail)
return dt.Author+ " "+dt.Publisher;
var user=new Libaray("Rupali","Wanve","Who AM I","20");
var user1=new libDeatil("ABC","xyz");

Compile libarary.ts page

Run command prompt with administrator privilages

e:\typescriptproject\typescriptproject\tsc libarary.ts

Develop web page for typescript

after sucessfull compilation of typescript page refresh the soluation of project.then click on show all files .

oooohh ..you can see new file is generated called libarary.js

which contain the code as follows

var Libaray = (function () {
function Libaray(firstname, lastname, BookName, DueDateRemain) {
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.BookName = BookName;
this.DueDateRemain = DueDateRemain;
this.fullname = firstname + " " + lastname + " " + BookName + " " + DueDateRemain;
return Libaray;
var libDeatil = (function () {
function libDeatil(Author, Publisher) {
this.Author = Author;
this.Publisher = Publisher;
this.fulldeatils = Author + " " + Publisher;
return libDeatil;
function greeter(person) {
return "Deatils of Libarary Member:::::," + person.firstname + " " + person.lastname + " " + person.BookName + " " + person.DueDateRemain;
function details(dt) {
return dt.Author + " " + dt.Publisher;
var user = new Libaray("Rupali", "Wanve", "Who AM I", "20");
var user1 = new libDeatil("ABC", "xyz");
document.body.innerHTML = greeter(user);
document.title = details(user1);

after this just create the page LibarayDetails.aspx

and add code as follows

<script src="Libaray.js"></script>

and just run application you will get output

Details of libarary Member::::rupali wanve who am i 20

So i have created just one simple class for libaray project using TypeScript.

Thanks and Regards
Rupali naik(wanve)


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