How to count salary of a sales man using C

in This article am sharing some source code for counting salesman salary Want to learn count salary of a sales man using C ? Check out this I have provided the source code to count salary of a sales man using C Programming. this article only for beginner in C#

How to count salary of a sales man using C

in This article am sharing some source code for counting salesman salary
Want to learn count salary of a sales man using C ?
Check out this I have provided the source code to count salary of a sales man using C Programming.
this article only for beginner in C#

Source code for counting salary of a salesman

#define base_salary 1500.00
#define bonus_rate 200.00
#define commision 0.02
int quantity;
float gross_salary,price;
float bonus,commission;
printf("input nummber of sold items and and price\n");
scanf("%d %f",&quandity,&price);
bonus = bonus_rate * quantity;
commission= commision * quantity * price ;
gross_salary= base_salary + bonus + commision ;
printf("bonus = %6.2f\n",bonus);
printf("commision = %6.2f\n",commision);
printf("gross salary = %6.2f\n",gross_salary);



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