Connect Social Networks

Objective is to collect all notifications from different websites are collected in single web application. Hence user can able to view respective things in single place instead of login into each and every sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn etc.,

Now a days we need to login Each and every site to view the notifications which leads to wastage of time for login of different sites .This will be avoided if one application shows all noticaions belong to different sites .this will be possible to read API of social networks provided to read the data about particular User notifications. So single web application should be developed
to collect all the notifications from different web sites(Facebook,Twitter and LinkedIn) by using web services and displayed in single place(Grid) about the respective user.

All notifications should be shown in different Rows and each row binded with hyperlink which open new window with details. It will be reduce users time and increase their productivity on other things.It will be very useful if the application is supporting touch based screen .hence we can use this in Desktop or mobile .
Here Visual studio 2012 will have very good environment to develop application which will be suitable for to use in mobile and desktop.
right now I have provided the sameple code for twitter which was the one tried my side.

The Twitterizer library contains a number of classes that model the information exchanged between the client and the server when making Twitter API calls.Here we can use Twitter class as source whihc was one used as sevice provider. When using this class you'll want to provide the username and password of the Twitter account that you want to integrate with. These credentials can be passed into the Twitter class' constructor, as the following code snippet shows:

Code Behind code:
Twitter twit = new Twitter(username, password);

Design Page:

<asp:ListView ID="lvTweets" runat="server">

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="itemPlaceholder"></asp:PlaceHolder>

<div class="tweet">
<img src='<%# Eval("TwitterUser.ProfileImageUri") %>' class="profilePic" />

<div class="from">
<a href='<%# Eval("TwitterUser.ScreenName") %>'>
<%#Eval("TwitterUser.UserName")%> (<%#Eval("TwitterUser.ScreenName")%>)
<div class="text">
<div class="whenWhere">
from <%#Eval("Source")%> <%#RelativeTime(Convert.ToDateTime(Eval("Created")))%>

There are numerous free, open-source libraries available for integrating with Twitter. One such library for the .NET Framework is Twitterizer. For you better understanding ,please visit the following website


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