Encryption with the help of IDEA algorithm
We know that now days we mostly focus on the securities of the data travel like if i want to send some data from one place to other and i want no one can read this so i have an option to Encrypt the message. This Encryption is done by many algorithms so IDEA is one of them which i have used.
IDEA is an algorithm which gives a high level security to the
encrypted message. It is very easy to understand and it is very
suitable for the use in a wide range. IDEA is an algorithm operates
with 64-bit plain text and the key used in this is 128-bit long.
Now I tell you how the encryption is take place first we have to make
sub keys with the help of the given key and generate 52 sub keys. There are eight rounds and in each round there are 14 steps. We have
to repeat all 14 steps in in each round. In each round there are six
sub keys are used and after eight rounds there is an output
transformation in which four keys are used so in
total 52 sub keys (= 8 x 6 + 4). Size of the every sub key is 16-bit.
But here I used 32-bit key just to know that what is IDEA algorithm and how to implement it. Here I implement four rounds and final transformation.
First I will tell you how to generate sub keys for the 32-bit long key here all the keys are four bit long.
For example let we take a key 32-bit long.
1101 1100 0110 1111 0011 1111 0101 1001
Round 1 1101 1100 0110 1111 0011 1111
Round 2 0101 1001 0001 1011 1100 1111
Round 3 1101 0110 0111 0111 1111 0011
Round 4 1111 0101 1001 1101 1100 0110
Round 5 1111 1101 0110 0111
The first eight sub keys are simple the problem arrives when the key
length is over and we have to generate more sub keys for that we just
move first six bits at the last and start from the starting again. So
we got another eight sub keys and repeat the process until got 28 sub keys.
string key = "11011100011011110011111101011001";
char[] p1, p2, p3, p4;
char[] sbkey1 = new char[4], sbkey2 = new char[4], sbkey3 = new char[4], sbkey4 = new char[4], sbkey5 = new char[4], sbkey6 = new char[4];
char[] r1 = new char[4], r2 = new char[4], r3 = new char[4], r4 = new char[4];
char[] rk1 = new char[4], rk2 = new char[4], rk3 = new char[4], rk4 = new char[4];
char[] rr1 = new char[4], rr2 = new char[4], rr3 = new char[4], rr4 = new char[4], rr5 = new char[4], rr6 = new char[4], rr7 = new char[4];
char[] k11 = key.ToCharArray(0, 4), k12 = key.ToCharArray(4, 4), k13 = key.ToCharArray(8, 4), k14 = key.ToCharArray(12, 4), k15 = key.ToCharArray(16, 4), k16 = key.ToCharArray(20, 4);
char[] k21 = key.ToCharArray(24, 4), k22 = key.ToCharArray(28, 4), k23 = key.ToCharArray(6, 4), k24 = key.ToCharArray(10, 4), k25 = key.ToCharArray(14, 4), k26 = key.ToCharArray(18, 4);
char[] k31 = key.ToCharArray(22, 4), k32 = key.ToCharArray(26, 4), k33 = key.ToCharArray(30, 2), k34 = key.ToCharArray(2, 4), k35 = key.ToCharArray(12, 4), k36 = key.ToCharArray(16, 4);
char[] optrns1 = key.ToCharArray(18, 4), optrns2 = key.ToCharArray(22, 4), optrns3 = key.ToCharArray(26, 4), optrns4 = key.ToCharArray(30, 2);
char[] comb = key.ToCharArray(0, 2);
string comb1 = new string(k33);
string comb2 = new string(comb);
comb1 = comb1 + comb2;
k33 = comb1.ToCharArray();
char[] k41 = key.ToCharArray(20, 4), k42 = key.ToCharArray(24, 4), k43 = key.ToCharArray(28, 4), k44 = key.ToCharArray(0, 4), k45 = key.ToCharArray(4, 4), k46 = key.ToCharArray(8, 4); ;
comb = key.ToCharArray(0, 2);
comb1 = new string(optrns4);
comb2 = new string(comb);
comb1 = comb1 + comb2;
optrns4 = comb1.ToCharArray();
int len1;
string doc2 = null;
int z;
string sss = null;
for (int eight_round = 0; eight_round < 4; eight_round++)
if (eight_round == 0)
sbkey1 = k11;
sbkey2 = k12;
sbkey3 = k13;
sbkey4 = k14;
sbkey5 = k15;
sbkey6 = k16;
if (eight_round == 1)
sbkey1 = k21;
sbkey2 = k22;
sbkey3 = k23;
sbkey4 = k24;
sbkey5 = k25;
sbkey6 = k26;
if (eight_round == 2)
sbkey1 = k31;
sbkey2 = k32;
sbkey3 = k33;
sbkey4 = k34;
sbkey5 = k35;
sbkey6 = k36;
if (eight_round == 3)
sbkey1 = k41;
sbkey2 = k42;
sbkey3 = k43;
sbkey4 = k44;
sbkey5 = k45;
sbkey6 = k46;
After the generation of sub keys main process begins in which we have to implement 14 steps in each round with the help of six sub keys and 16-bit plain text which we are going to divide in four 4-bit plain text which is represented as X1, X2, X3 and X4. The steps are as following.
1. Multiply X1 and the first sub key Z1.
2. Add X2 and the second sub key Z2.
3. Add X3 and the third sub key Z3.
4. Multiply X4 and the fourth sub key Z4.
5. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 1 and 3.
6. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 2 and 4.
7. Multiply the result of step 5 and the fifth sub key Z5.
8. Add the results of steps 6 and 7.
9. Multiply the result of step 8 and the sixth sub key Z6.
10. Add the results of steps 7 and 9.
11. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 1 and 9.
12. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 3 and 9.
13. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 2 and 10.
14. Bitwise XOR the results of steps 4 and 10.
doc2 = richTextBox1.Text;
len1 = doc2.Length;
richTextBox1.Text = "";
z = 0;
while (z < len1)
p1 = doc2.ToCharArray(z, 4);
p2 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 4, 4);
p3 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 8, 4);
p4 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 12, 4);
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p1);
bb = new string(sbkey1);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total > 16)
total = total%17;
STEP 1 = Multiply X1 and the first sub key Z1.here X1 is the fist four bits of plain text and Z1 is sub key here I multiply the two
binary number by converting them in decimal digit and multiply them and getting the final output convert it again in binary.
The addition for binary no is also done same as above first convert
it in decimal and then after getting final answer reconvert it in binary.
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r1[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p4);
bb = new string(sbkey4);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total > 16)
total = total % 17;
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r4[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p2);
bb = new string(sbkey2);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total>15)
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r2[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p3);
bb = new string(sbkey3);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total > 15)
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r3[f] = trr[f][0];
End of Top FOUR step of round Now step 5 and 6
Bitwise XOR the results of steps 1 and 3.
Bitwise XOR the results of steps 2 and 4.
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if ((r1[l] == '0' && r3[l] == '0') || (r1[l] == '1' && r3[l] == '1'))
rr1[l] = '0';
rr1[l] = '1';
if ((r2[l] == '0' && r4[l] == '0') || (r2[l] == '1' && r4[l] == '1'))
rr2[l] = '0';
rr2[l] = '1';
// step 7
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(rr1);
bb = new string(sbkey5);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
if (total > 16)
total = total % 17;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
rr3[f] = trr[f][0];
//step 8
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(rr3);
bb = new string(rr2);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total > 15)
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
rr4[f] = trr[f][0];
//ste 9
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(rr4);
bb = new string(sbkey6);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
if (total > 16)
total = total % 17;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
rr5[f] = trr[f][0];
//step 10
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(rr3);
bb = new string(rr5);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total > 15)
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
rr6[f] = trr[f][0];
// step 11 && 12
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if ((rr5[l] == '0' && r1[l] == '0') || (r1[l] == '1' && rr5[l] == '1'))
rk1[l] = '0';
rk1[l] = '1';
if ((rr6[l] == '0' && r4[l] == '0') || (r4[l] == '1' && rr6[l] == '1'))
rk4[l] = '0';
rk4[l] = '1';
// step 13 && 14
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if ((rr6[l] == '0' && r2[l] == '0') || (r2[l] == '1' && rr6[l] == '1'))
rk3[l] = '0';
rk3[l] = '1';
if ((rr5[l] == '0' && r3[l] == '0') || (r3[l] == '1' && rr5[l] == '1'))
rk2[l] = '0';
rk2[l] = '1';
sss = new string(rk1);
sss = new string(rk3);
sss = new string(rk2);
sss = new string(rk4);
z = z + 16;
Now all the 14 steps are over but we have to apply output
transformation on the final answer and in the final transformation
we have to apply first four steps again.
doc2 = richTextBox1.Text;
len1 = doc2.Length;
richTextBox1.Text = "";
z = 0;
while (z < len1)
p1 = doc2.ToCharArray(z, 4);
p2 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 4, 4);
p3 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 8, 4);
p4 = doc2.ToCharArray(z + 12, 4);
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p1);
bb = new string(optrns1);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total > 16)
total = total % 17; //STEP 1 OF ROUND
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r1[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p4);
bb = new string(optrns4);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = 16;
if (b == 0)
b = 16;
total = a1 * b;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
if (total > 16)
total = total % 17;
if (total != 16)
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r4[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p2);
bb = new string(optrns2);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total>15) //ADD
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r2[f] = trr[f][0];
string aa, bb, cc = null;
int l1;
int total;
aa = new string(p3);
bb = new string(optrns3);
l1 = aa.Length;
int a1, b, res, c = 3;
a1 = Convert.ToInt32(aa, 2);
b = Convert.ToInt32(bb, 2);
total = a1 + b;
if (total > 15)
total = total % 16;
string[] trr = { "0", "0", "0", "0" };
while (total > 0)
trr[c] = (total % 2).ToString();
total = total / 2;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; f++)
r3[f] = trr[f][0];
sss = new string(r1);
sss = new string(r2);
sss = new string(r3);
sss = new string(r4);
z = z + 16;