C# Essential Language Features Part 2
This is continuous of Series “C# Essential Language Features”. We are going to explore more advanced C# Language features in this article. I will be covering some features which are good to know as general and while implementing the MVC application.
This is continuous of Series "C# Essential Language Features". You can look into Part 1 for getting started. We are going to explore more advanced C# Language features in this article. I will be covering some features which are good to know as general and while implementing the MVC application. Automatic Type Inference
Var Keyword was introduced in C# 3.0, which allows you to define the variable without specifying the variable type as shows in Listing 1. This is called type inference or implicit typing.
Listing 1
static void Main(string[] args)
var myProduct = new Product { Name = "Dell XPS", Category = "Laptop", Price = 275M };
Console.WriteLine("Name of Product is " + myProduct.Name);
In the above Listing we are using the Product class as we used in our Part 1. In past we always create object of Product class and define explicitly that it is object of Product like
Product myproduct = new Product {Name = "Dell XPS", Category = "Laptop", Price = 275M };
myProduct in Listing 1 has the type and it is strong type as it will only allow you to access only the member of the Product Class and not anything else.LINQ (Language Integrated Queries)
LINQ is also introduced in .Net 3.5. LINQ makes a query a first-class language construct in C# or VB. LINQ is the similar to SQL like structure/syntax for querying strongly typed data. You can query Objects, XML, SQL, Datasets and any collections of data which supports IEnumerable or the generic IEnumerable
Listing 2
static void Main(string[] args)
Products = new List
new Product {Name = "Dell XPS", Category = "Laptop", Price = 275M},
new Product {Name = "HP", Category = "Desktop", Price = 48.95M},
new Product {Name = "ThinkPad", Category = "Laptop", Price = 19.50M},
new Product {Name = "Acer", Category = "Desktop", Price = 34.95M}
Console.WriteLine("Using LINQ");
var prod1 = from c in card where c.Category == "Desktop" select c;
foreach (Product prod in prod1)
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Price {1:c}", prod.Name, prod.Price);
Console.WriteLine("Using LINQ Order By");
var prod2 = from c in card orderby c.Price descending select c;
foreach (Product prod in prod2)
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Price {1:c}", prod.Name, prod.Price);
}Anonymous Types
Anonymous Type is also introduced in C# 3.0. Anonymous Types are created using Inference and Object Initializers. In other words we can create an object without declaring the type and class. Since the name of the data type is not declared or specified the type is referred as Anonymous Type.
Below listing shows how to create anonymous type and use that
Listing 3
var myType = new { Company = "Verint", FirstName = "Kapil" };
Console.WriteLine("Anonymous Type");
In Listing 3 myType is an anonymously type object. Looking into the fact is that it is not a dynamic in nature because the compiler will create a Type definition automatically. Compiler automatically generates the class with the members declared so it is strongly typed.
This is the End of Series "C# Essential Language Features"
Thanks for reading this articles.