How to compare datatables to get unmatched datarows using LINQ to Datatable
In this article I am going to explain about how to get unmatched rows from databale in C#. I am using features of Datatable. We can do it in several ways. Using LINQ to datatable is one of the way to do it.
If you want to compare datatable and find unmatched datarows in datatable. For this purpose we will be using LINQ to Datatable For comparing data in datatable both the datatables schema should be same.
Below is your Datatable A
StudID Name City
1 Rohan Pune
2 Sachin Mumbai
3 Vinod Delhi
4 Andy Kanpur
5 Neha Nagpur
Datatable B
StudID Name City
1 Rohan Pune
2 Sachin Hyderabad
3 Andy Delhi
4 Andy Kanpur
Now we will compare Table A and Table B and get unmatched data from A. This should give us rows with StudentID 2,3,5.
DataTable dtUncommon = dtAEnum.Except(dtAEnum).CopyToDataTable();
Now the datatable dtUncommon has uncommon datarows from datatable A.
Now we will compare Table A and Table B and get unmatched data from Datatable B. This should give us rows with StudentID 2,3.
DataTable dtUncommon = dtBEnum.Except(dtAEnum).CopyToDataTable();
Now the datatable dtUncommon has uncommon datarows from datatable B.
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