Add Prerequisites in application deployment

In this article i have explained, How to add Prerequisites application deployment. To successfully run our application, sometimes we need some dependent software to be installed first. This atricle explain you how to add prerequisite for your application deployment.

Add Prerequisites in deployment


When there a time of deployment, a developer needs a deployment exe which will install all prerequisite that required to run his software
we can do this by adding some prerequisite conditions before setup and deployments.
To install and run you application successfully, we must first ensure that all essential components upon which your application is dependent
are already installed on the target machine. Take an example if we have a develop our application using .NET then target computer should have a .NET framework installed


After Project/product has developed completely, then deployment phase come. if we have a desktop application to be deployed then we can use Setup and Deployment wizard from visual studio.
But before deployment we need some software to be already present their which will support our project code. The required Prerequisites can be added by setup and Deployment.
Installing a required things automatically - a process is known as bootstrapping.

How to add different Prerequisite in setup and Deployment

let's go step by step
first we need to open a new setup and deployment project from visual studio.
Open Microsoft visual studio click File --> New Project --> select Setup and deployment exist under Other project types
you can see following snap for detail
check following snap



After Creating project successfully, we need to right click in project explorer on project name (in my case it is "setup1") --> click on properties
check following snap



it will open the property pages, now click on Prerequisites button, to select Prerequisite program list.
check following snap



it will open Prerequisite screen, This is important screen where,
- we select prerequisite software for our application
- Path of prerequisite software (A path from where softwares get's automatically installed)
There are three option for us to specify a location for prerequisite to install

1. Download prerequisite from Component vendor website (download from internet directly)
2. Download prerequisite from same location on my application
3. Download prerequisite from location to select.

if we choose first option then our installation machine should have a internet connection available
if we choose second option then we should have a setup.exe for softwares that we need to install.
if we choose third option then we can set a location from which program will collect installation setup
check following snap



Yes. we are done with it, the final step is to Rebuilt the project and work has finished

check following snap



we can Disable the prerequisite condition by unchecking checkbox "Create setup program to install prerequisite components"

check following snap



so now we have a simple way to define a list of prerequisite softwares.

Suggestion and Queries always welcome



Guest Author: kishor chaudhari11 Feb 2013

this is Kishor Chaudhari thanks for providing detailed knowledge about the .NET framework.pleas tell me code about voice Recognization project in C# .net.thamks a lots sir...

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