Evaluate And Execute IF Statement in Formula Editor

This article will help you to evaluate if statement in your formula. So application like having formula and we want to evaluate if statement dynamically in that scenario we can use this stored procedure to evaluate if expression. This will meet your following requirement Dynamically Evaluate If or Nested If statement,Expression Evaluation Parser,Formula Editor expression execution,Execution Service for Expression


Problem : How to evaluate if statement or nested if statement or how we can evaluate particular expression given for calculation or evaluation. In c#.net it is vary difficult to evaluate expression having/with if statement.

Solution : We can use exiting functionality of Sql Server keyword Exec statement by little modification in it while evaluating the expression.

Step 1 Create Stored Procedure

CREATE procedure [dbo].[EvaluateExpression]
@Expression as varchar(1000),
@Result as varchar(500) output
Declare @TempTable Table (VariableValue varchar(500))
SET @Expression=(Select replace(@Expression,'==','='))
SET @Expression='if (0=1) Then 0 else ' + @Expression
SET @Expression = replace(@Expression,'Then','Select')
SET @Expression = replace(@Expression,'else','else Select')
SET @Expression = replace(@Expression,'Select if','if')
Insert into @TempTable exec (@Expression);
Select @Result=VariableValue from @TempTable;

Step 2 : Execute Stored Procedure

declare @v varchar(1000);
declare @formula as varchar(1000)
set @formula = 'IF(5=5) THEN IF(5=5) Then 10 ELSE 5'
exec [EvaluateExpression] @formula,@Result=@v output
select @v

Note : It will reduce efforts to write new evaluation engine in c# and but still we can pick the right things at right time as per our requirements.


Author: Ravindra Gaurana07 Jun 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

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